Fallen Angel (Ep. 1)

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    "Are you...angel?" His eyes widened. "NO I DON'T WANNA DIE !! I PROMISE I- I WILL NOT GO OUT FROM NOW ON! PLEASE!!" His eyes teared up immediately. I got off from top of his little body. "No no Ciel! Please don't cry. Im Y/n-" I paused. What was my last name? Was it still the same like my name or-    "Y/n? Y/n Irvin? You're friend of Elizabeth, right? WAIT DIDN'T YOU FELL FROM STAIRS?" He straightened himself " You're supposed to be resting right now!" I was not able to listen him cause of my thoughts. Well, I was looking like a 7 year old, should I act like one?

"No! I don't need to. I don't have any injuries and Im feeling alright." I whined
He tilt his head cause of confusion. "No injuries? But Im sure you were bleeding from your head and had bruises all over." he paused "Thats what I heard from Tanaka" he got quieter by each word "It would be weird for me to know" he said in whisper. "Cause we didn't really met face to face" He was looking like a little kitty with his wounded knees. I hesitated about what to do or say but I felt like I needed to comfort him. I came closer to the small figure and gave him a big hug. His eyes widened and his confusion could be seen on his face."Now we know each other! We can be friends! If you like to of course.." It was so embarrassing to act like a child. After my offer, he hugged back. "Sure.." he whispered. I back up and hold his hand. "Do you wanna make flower crown with me?" I asked while I was checking him up if he's all okay....But there was nothing, i could swear that he just had-...today's already been weird enough, i need to stop roasting my brain with taking all this seriously.

   Ciel beamed at the idea of it but pouted in instant. I tilt my head to side like asking whats wrong. "I...I dont know how to make flower crown" I chuckled at his embarrassed face. "Me neither, but i always wanted to try, how hard could it be?" i said with a shrug.

~Time skip~

   "Lets get that and tie with this...voilà!"
He tilt his head "What does it mean 'voilà'?"
I shrugged while I put that 'flower crown' on his head "Don't mind it!". Crown suited him beautifully. "How old were you Ciel?" We used Alyssum for the crown, which we found at some bushes. It was such a irony for him to wear that . It wasn't that pretty and suitable for making crown but he was making it look lovely just by being himself somehow. "Im six, way younger than you..." Way younger than me? Well shit, how old I was? I really don't know anything about that body that Im using. Lets try to act oblivious. "Oh really? Wasn't I was same age as Lizzie?". His eyes widened. "No? Shes one year younger than you. Also, are you in good terms with Elizabeth now? You and her would always fight over my brother. It was the reason why you fell from stairs. Don't you remember?" He came closer, checked on my head. "But wait. How you remembered my name? We never met before" I sighed "I know you as you know me Ciel." I leaned my back to tree. "Also, yes I cant remember some of my memories but I didn't forgot everything." He slowly leaned back like me. "Maybe your dad can heal you?"
"My dad can do what?"
He burst out laughing . "So you forgot your own family but not me? You're something else...big sis." his own words made him embarrassed in instant "Im sorry, I didn't ask if I can call you that." I was still shocked. My dad can heal people? "You can call me whatever you like Ciel,  I don't mind." i brushed him off unintentionally, its not like you could hear everyday that your dad is some kind of healer, can you blame me?

    He relieved to my answer . "But its not the important thing right now! Can you tell me more about my dad, pleasee?" I said with excitement but there was no response. I looked over at his half asleep face. He was so cute like a kitten. He's still young. 'That' tragedy is gonna happen in four years. I still have time to educate this body and myself, so I can help him in some ways or be a useful pawn for him. Nothing else matters. No one else matters. I need to protect him, no matter what...

        I got interrupted from my thoughts by Ciel's sleepy voice "I'll tell you later when we meet again. Even if you wont be curious about it anymore, we can just play together..." He whispered the last part. "Like today?" I asked softly, don't wanted to startled him by my voice. He hummed...and fell asleep right after.

~Time skip~

     After half an hour, Tanaka found us under that oak tree. He took Ciel away while he was sleeping and told me to go back before they realize i was not in that bedroom.

      I sneaked in and laid down on bed. There was too much thing to digest. Starting with, I replaced a girl who died cause of that fall, I met with Ciel and my dad has healing powers? I wonder if I have as well. That would be so useful for me to help Ciel. But for now, I need to get more information about myself and my family's history somehow. If I need to make a to-do list for after i get to know all about this person; learning some ways of self defense would be the first thing to do, learning how to play an instrument or drawing could help me to be seen as an aristocrat's daughter and last but not least, learning all the manners. There is so many things to do even just for me to blend in to this place. All these things are necessary if someone wishes to be on Queen's Watchdog's side...

*knock knock*

        Someone was at my door. It was the same man and woman earlier,'mom' and 'dad'. He approached "You're so reckless Y/n. It would be such a shame if you died, you know that? We worked so hard for you to be perfect and...you have amnesia now?"He paused and started to laugh menacingly. 'My mother' was looking terrified but not surprised. It should be common for him to be an asshole. He smashed his fist to the wall right next to me. "You humiliated us in front of all those aristocrats! You have no use to me with hollow brain of yours until you're 18. So hurry and grow up without dying." He turned to my 'mom'. "Lilian, take that child. We're leaving. We cannot stay here with 'that' disappointment" He rushed out the door, leaving us alone. 'Lilian' came to me while still crying. "Im sorry y/n, Im sorry." She repeated the same thing while dressing me up. "Whats going to happen when Im 18 'mother'?" She paused for a second and her crying louder. It was starting to get on my nerves now. "Its not important. I'll tell you later. You just need to rest and recover... You have to." She released my hand and started to talk to herself. "He'll take care of it. There is no patient that he could not heal. Yes, everything is going to be fine..." Man fuck my luck, first I died and now I have, 'Maniac Asshole' father and 'His victim' mother.

She grabbed me by my shoulders while I was spacing out. "Listen to me! You supposed to be his best creation; beautiful face, capable in every field and healing ability." She grabbed my hand and closed her eyes. "Now you're not into Phantohives heir but that sick kid?" my blood run cold instantly. "What? But-" she continued "Even his family has no expectations of him. They didn't even asked for us to cure him. Ha! They see him as a spare for their heir." My head was hurting like its about to crack open...How, how dare she say those words? Was she the same person that was crying two minutes ago? How did she found out that I was with Ciel?

"We're leaving." She grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to carriage. Ciel's brother and Elizabeth was standing next to carriage door. Elizabeth started to cry when she saw me. She was sobbing while tightening her skirts with her little hands. Poor girl, she has no idea about that, she actually killed her friend. I can use that against her in some way. But for now, I need her friendship. It can be useful in the future. "Im sorry...Im sorry y/n..it was- it was my fault." I cupped her cheeks and made her face me. "It's alright Lizzie. Im okay now! Please don't cry, its not suiting you at all." She sniffed deeply. "Good. See you later, okay?." I waved at her and get in carriage before 'my mother' get mad.

I sat down and look thru the window, wanted to see Ciel before we leave. My eyes searched for him but he was not outside with his family but in his room looking at me from his window. I waved at him right before carriage started to move. He got startled as if he had been caught doing something bad. He hesitated but waved back at me..

         I leaned back, thinking about Ciel's smile.
  I need to protect his smile, no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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