First meet

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In the bustling city, where strangers crossed paths every day, there were two individuals whose lives were about to intertwine in an unexpected encounter and change.

The first was a girl, often caught in the midst of confusion when faced with a simple greeting. Words seemed to elude her, leaving her unsure of how to respond, even to a mere "hi." However, amidst her uncertainty, she had an unwavering confidence when it came to her fashion choices. The girl had a discerning eye for color contrasts and knew exactly what she preferred in her dresses. Each morning, as she awakened from her sleep, it felt like stepping into a dream, but one haunted by a subtle fear of death. Not due to any heart condition, but rather her sensitive nature, she approached life cautiously, choosing her friends selectively. Her quiet demeanor held an inexplicable allure, drawing people to her, and that she hated.

The second individual was a charming young boy, effortlessly blending in with any crowd. He carried himself with an easygoing nature, embracing each day with a light-hearted attitude. Having never experienced warmth and acceptance from others, he made it his mission to spread his own warmth to everyone he met. Appearance meant little to him, as he would wear the first thing he found within his reach. It was his lack of investment in his outward appearance that added to his charm. While he had many acquaintances, he lacked a close friend. He was simply a common presence, existing for others, so as not to be alone.

Both of them possessed a strong sense of self-respect and would never tolerate mistreatment in the name of friendship. They were unafraid to stand up and say "no" when necessary. Despite never having experienced love, they understood the absence of it, giving them a deep understanding of what love truly meant. The girl had the privilege of growing up in a loving family, while the boy belonged to a household where care and affection were scarce.

Their paths finally crossed on a wide road, devoid of traffic signals. On opposite sides of the road, both carried bags on their shoulders. The girl stood hesitantly, contemplating how to navigate the sea of speeding vehicles. On the other hand, the boy, engrossed in a lively conversation with his friends, seemed unfazed by the task of crossing the road. However, they both harbored the same intention.

Summoning all her courage, the girl fixed her gaze on a spot across the road and made a determined dash towards it. Meanwhile, the boy casually bid farewell to his friends, walking backward towards the other side. At that precise moment, their paths converged in the middle of the road. In an unfortunate turn of events, the girl's drape became entangled in the zipper of the boy's bag. Before they could comprehend the situation, a car whizzed by, leaving the girl in a state of shock. With everyone's eyes on her, she frantically fumbled with her hands, her voice barely audible in her panic.

Witnessing her distress, the boy, despite his own confusion, instinctively embraced her. It was a gesture she direly needed at that moment. Having shielded herself from allowing others close, she had never experienced the comforting warmth of a hug. Yet, in that embrace, she found solace and security. Whispers from the boy reached her ears, advising her to shut her eyes. Unable to bear the humiliation she saw in the eyes of onlookers she decided to trust his words, she complied, slowly succumbing to the calmness that washed over her.

With tenderness, he untangled her drape from the zipper of his bag. When she cautiously opened her eyes, she found herself gazing into his captivating eyes, for a moment she could hear nothing but just the sond of wind and her raising heartbeat, the bustling sound of vehicles were hardly reaching her ears, his eyes which conveyed reassurance and understanding is all she noticed. It was the first time in years that she felt a sense of security and shared vulnerability.

As the cars and bikes zipped by, their surroundings moving at a frenetic pace, they stood in the center of it all, creating a breathtaking spectacle witnessed by onlookers. As if in midst of chaos there was a storm of peace taking birth.

Taking charge, the boy gently held the girl's hand, guiding her across the treacherous road. She couldn't help but be captivated by his presence, how he effortlessly extinguished her vulnerability. Shocked and overwhelmed, she failed to utter a word of gratitude. Upon reaching the safety of the opposite side, she managed to muster the courage to offer him a keychain she had cherished for a long time. Smiling warmly, he attached it to the same zipper that had caused their unexpected connection, saying, "Thank you. Um, what's your name?"

Overwhelmed by her astonishment, the girl gestured towards the keychain, prompting the boy to examine it. Engraved on the keychain was a moon, with the name "Naina" carved on it. Realizing her still-shocked state, he kindly offered her water, assuring her that everything was alright. Those few words and his kind gesture were enough to restore her voice. Finally, she managed to utter a heartfelt "Thank you."

The boy, relieved to hear her speak, gave her a sweet smile and remarked, "It's a relief to know you do have a voice." Their laughter filled the air, breaking the tension that had enveloped them. As she gathered her courage to inquire about his name, one of his friends called out to him from the other side of the road,"Hey Shyam what are you doing man come on or we will be late" urging him to join them before they became late.

Hearing his name, her eyes lit up in shock. He glanced at her and apologized, "Sorry, I must be going. Bye." And just like that, he left, unknowingly, without retrieving his bottle.

Despite the abruptness of their encounter, their hearts carried the lingering imprint of that moment. A simple crossing of paths had sparked a connection, leaving both of them yearning for more. Little did they know that destiny would weave their paths together once again, allowing their journey to unfold in unforeseen ways.

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