New Hearts 💕

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The frustrations were vented out in screams and now all she was a lady with resent, long back she had given up on prayers, she never wished for anything, her tears were frozen. Little did she know there was a light like sunshine entering in her life.

Warm as the first spring breeze, bright as a sunflower, charming enough to want as a lover, yet reserved and unfazed to every change in weather. Humble enough to offer you a beverage when you cry, but unbothered when you don't even try. He has his own ways to deal with things, straightforward and "MATURE" Gosh who wouldn't want that, and a mystery reader, his name Rohit.

Naina stood outside the cafe trying to stop her tears from flowing and as she stood on the pavement a wind like something passed by and all she hear was a sorry and the sound of her ring fall. The range in Naina had reached the peak and she just screamed

Naina: "Are you blind?"

Stranger: "Umm no but I am late"

Naina taken aback by that statement wanted to laugh but had too much going on at the moment, that she just looked at him run. Coming back to senses she realised her ring had fallen down. That ring was the only way she kept reminding herself not to go back into the past, as she bent down to find the ring, her tears fell to the ground, her eyes blurred and she was in no mood to find it.

She gets up and gets into her car as she had a meeting fixed with the director she had been working with. The director had informed her before that a guitarist would be with her as the project they were working on involving a student who had given his studies to pursue music. She gets out of her car, walks to the place where the meeting was fixed and it seemed neither the director nor the guitarist had reached. It was a well known restaurant and a lot to observe, as she sat there, her eyes fell upon a mother daughter duo, the eight year old looked so lost into explaining what had happened at her school that day, which took Naina back to her memories.

It was that day when she realised, she was too good for Shyam, no matter how good as a person he was, he was immature and least mindful. The day she grappled up all of these, she hadn't come out of her room her mother who was very well aware about her liking towards Shyam for she had been rooting pretty much for them wouldn't understand why she kept herself locked everytime she returned home, wouldn't question her more than twice as Naina always came up with an excuse. After over two weeks when Naina was pretty much back to her normal self her mother sensed it was the right time.
On a Sunday morning in sleep a half woken up Naina is suddenly asked by her mother to show a picture of Shyam as she hadn't seen before, upon hearing that Naina gave a look which appeared she lost her sleep for the next three days. Without giving a second thought Naina opens her phone and shows a picture for she knew her mother's reaction. Her mother looks at the phone, and gives her a look which almost said "You can do better sweetheart" but instead she kept her questions about Shyam which she although she had asked it a gazillion times before but this time Naina's answers were changed, she answered each question vaguely, Naina's mother looked at her from top to bottom and points into the phone asking

Naina's mother: "So tell me something about this guy next to him 😏"

Naina was shocked, she couldn't believe it was the same mother she had been living with all her life, her mother very well aware of what would have happened completely tried to change her focus on.

These were some sweet memories that brought a smile upon her face.


Director: Hello Miss Naina here you go this is Rohit the guitarist I spoke to you about.

Naina in amaze,

Naina: Wait you are the guy who isn't blind but late

Rohit in utter embarrassment

Rohit: I am really sorry about that, I didn't mean to be late or to startle you on the pavement I am really sorry 😓😓😓.

Naina couldn't believe her eyes that a man could keep his ego aside and say sorry for something that's not even a big deal for her

Naina laughed and said,

Naina: it's ok I don't mind people being late and about the pavement we will talk about it some other day, for now can we order something I am really hungry.

Rohit: Sure sure I will go look into the menu, the chef over here is a very good friend of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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