Chapter 2

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I don’t know for how long I was asleep on the floor but all I remembered was that I woke up to a normal dark room. No sparks, no lights. I took my phone and stumbled out of the room. I regained my energy in no time and I went outside still looking for Lucy. As I was going the stairs, I heard a muffled sound under the stairs. I went alert immediately.

“Lucy?”I called with hope in my voice.

“Lucy?”I called once again as I drew closer.

I reached there and Lo and Behold! There was Lucy lying on the floor with her legs wide open.

“Oh My God Lucy! What happened to you?!”I yelled out of panic and confusion. She looked so messed up with her hair and make up all over the place.

“Waah?”She asked in a dazed manner.

“Oh My God Lucy I gotta get you home now! Come on lets go”

“Naaaw you boring. The party just started come on lets have some fun! Yo! Pass the joint!”

“Lucy have you been smoking?’I asked out of exasperation. “What on earth got into you?!”

I was really getting angry. She had gotten me in massive trouble right now. I was gradually getting filled up with vexation. I tried helping her up but she won’t budge . At that moment ,I was pissed to the core, I just threw my hands up in exasperation and screamed. All of a sudden some sort of force generated from that and raised Lucy up and threw her against the wall.

“Oh My God! What have I done?”I went up to her trying to regain her but she was unconscious. I checked her pulse and to my horror I realized that I had killed a human being not just that but my one and only best friend that I loved so much…

And that brings me to the starting of this story...

Guys guys pls can I get more reads and votes??U no some inspiration to continue the story seems like yall dnt like it do you?

*hugs and kisses*


Thanks a bunchy bunch bunch!

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