Chapter 9-

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Today is Friday and I couldn't be anymore happier. Although I'm gonna miss my new friends, I was happy it was getting to the weekend and my little incident could be forgotten about soon. I wasn't even sure how I was going to face them today.

Nathan and I went to school and I met Jermaine infront of the math class.

"Yo Jade!"

"Hi Jermaine."

"I hope you're better now right?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah I am don't worry."

We took our seats and got ready for the test.

"Psst..psst!" I turned.

"Do you have the answer to number 5?" I didn't even get the chance to answer and we got interrupted.

"Miss Moore and Mr Walters is there anything you would mind sharing with me?" The teacher asked.

Way to go Jermaine. You managed to get me into trouble.

"Nothing sir. I was just asking for the date." He lied.

"I'm going to give you a pass on this one. Next time it won't happen." He warned.


"Jade you totally ditched me over there!" Jermaine complained as we headed out to our lunch table.

"Seriously? You practically asked me for help in front of the teacher."

"So? I am worth getting detention for." He said proudly.

"Umm sorry to burst your bubble but no you're not. Now step aside." I said laughing as he moved for me to sit down.

The rest of lunch was pretty much us just talking and making fun of Jermaine.

We later had boring ass history for last period which I spent sleeping the whole time.

When we got home, and my aunt had left a note tellinng us to buy groceries for the house.

I got into the car with Nathan and he dropped me at the shop.

"Jade I'm checking out something will be right back. Dont go no where."

"I'm not a kid Nathan." I replied walking up to the shop.

I felt all weird at the shop but I tried my best to ignore it. The clerk kept on looking at me weirdly. I couldnt blame her, with all my fidgeting who wouldnt?

As I was steppping out, I saw someone in all black staring at me from behind one of the shelves. I almost flew out of the store but then I thought I could be exagerating. I took in a deep breathe and turned around but he wasnt there.

See, theres nothing to be scared of except your paranoid self. I thought to myself and smiled.

It had gotten quite cold and Nathan wasnt yet back. I tried calling him but his phone was switched off. I started kicking some stones out of boredom and I felt hands grabbing me froim behind.

I let out a piercing scream only to find the person on the floor laughing.

"Nathan that wasnt cool!"

"Aww come on admit it. That was pretty fun right? I never knew you were such a baby." He said between laughter.

'Whatever lets just get home its cold."

"Yes ma'am." I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

By the time we had reached home, his jokes had made me forget I wasn't supposed to be talking to him.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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