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A dark house, rain pelting down from outside, and thunder rumbling in the distance. The creaking caused by the wind bashing against the small home added a dark foretelling atmosphere to the night. A young girl rocked in a chair, holding a little boy in her arms. She smiled, holding the bundle, occasionally her eyes would sweep up to an older girl. Not an adult, but much older. "Careful with how fast your rock Rin. remember he's a baby, so he's delicate and sensitive." The girl holding the boy nodded, sitting among the crackling flames which gave them just enough light to see.

"Why isn't Mama back yet? It's scary outside." Her voice, small and delicate, could hardly be heard above the sounds outside and the crackling of the lights keeping the room lit. His soft and tender hands, small with her young age, brushed back a strand of hair from the baby boy as he slept.

The older girl stood up, grabbing a metal poker she pushed at the flames. Her eyes trailed over the stack of firewood, grabbing another log and discarding it to be consumed. Unlike the younger girl, her hands were calloused and rough. Her eyes were light blue, and her dark hair was kept up in a bun. "She'll be home by morning. Here, hand me brother."

"Aya..." The younger whined, calling out to the older sister through a nickname for Ayaka. "I can't sleep through storms! I wanna wait for Mama." Softly the older girl lifted the baby boy, he might have been three, maybe two, light and small. The younger girl was about six and the older 15. Such large age gaps... the young girl should have been the last child, it's a miracle their mother had another, given how difficult the pregnancy was with the young daughter.

Rocking the baby in her arms and walking down the hall, the older notes the immediate follow of the youngest. Something about leaving her alone never went well. She clung to whoever she could cling to. She hated being left alone. Sighing, the oldest set the boy in a crib, then reached to lift the sister. She walked over to the bed and set the child in her lap. She began to hum, staring out the window. Carefully, she began to part the younger's hair, slowly beginning to run her hands through it.

The young girl blinked and found herself running, holding the hand of a teenage boy. A young but rather small boy. The older girl pushed them forward as she stood in front of them. There was no rain, no thunder, and yet the night felt all the same. Pain flickered in her chest as she held onto a sword. Her eyes were set and determined. As an adult, she had to protect her younger brother. "Run faster Rin, ease your breathing, slow, and concentrate. Get the oxygen flowing through your legs, strengthen them." Her voice pleaded as she dragged him along. With a sharp turn, she shoved the boy to the side, her sword coming up to black sharp claws. She seemed to be praying, asking the stars for their aid.

She was shoved back further and further, and eventually kicked to a clearing. "Y/n!" A scream left the boy's lips as everything was black.


I shot up, reaching for my head. My feet swing from the bed without a thought in my mind. I found the closest waste bin, and my supper left in a rush. What the hell was that? Memories? I sat back when I was sure my stomach was emptied, but the strength to move wasn't there.

The trembles overtaking my body hurt, not truly painful, more so mentally. A physical manifestation of my distress. I managed to find my way to getting this room lit a bit more. I dropped back to my bed and pulled my knees to my chest. Outside thunder roared, and my hands instinctively flew to my ears. It's the first storm I've experienced in this body... I don't think I've ever been this unsettled by thunder or the atmosphere of a night storm.

My body trembles and aches for somebody. That girl, what was her name... Aya... I called her that. Well, this body had. Can I call it me? We are the same person. I feel everything they would feel, so it must be okay. At least I know what happened that night... still, how had I lived... It was dark when my eyes opened. I glanced to my side, that wound wasn't in the memory. It had to have happened after I woke up. Ha, maybe I just taste revolting. How is it that I got answers and yet still seem to have more questions than anything? Who was my mother? Why were we waiting? Where was she the other night? Why does it hurt to think about, but feel like an old wound unlike the other two? I lower my hands and find my finger tracing my cheeks, wet.

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