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hi hello helLAURR !! PLS PLS do not judge my writing as this is very informal writing and I am NOT a writer T-T, just a delusional teenager who thinks anything can happen in this world which is true at some point, in shorter terms... Im not a writer, just a delulu but being delulu really hits diff at night.

I FEEL LIKE WHAT IFS JUST LOVE LURKING IN OUR MINDS AT NIGHT.. those random scenarios that we think of after reading or watching something and the cute lovey-dovey scenes in our mind that got our tooth rotting as if it will ever happen to us anyways but still. Anywayssssss ,,, read as you like ! lmk your thoughts if there's any, also share some of your random scenarios and i might write it lol. 

(crossing my toes that this doesn't end up being forgotten like you- jk)

when midnight strikes, random scenarios ariseWhere stories live. Discover now