Chappie Five

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Harry's POV

It's  been a couple of days since Ash and I "got together". Part of our agreement was that we didn't tell anyone this was fake, so today I'm confirming to my mum that it's real.... And the only reason I didn't tell mum earlier is cause she's been sneaking out of town for small vacations.

Ash and I walked in  my house hand-in-hand, ready to face her.

"Haz, did I get all the lovebites covered with makeup?" Ashley asked, worrying again.

I smiled at her.

"Ash, babe, you don't need to cover those. they're symbols of us 'being together'." I said, trying to reassure her.

"They are symbols of hormone-raging teenagers going at each other, Haz! How did we get into all this public mess? Ugh! Anyways, I'm not going to disrespect your mom like this. Let's just get this over with." Ashley said, frustrated.

It always kind of hurt me for some reason when she questioned us agreeing to this fake, it made me want to be better than I am because she made me feel not good enough to be with her.

"Mama Cox! It's Ash and Harold!" Ash screamed, smiling.

My mum came down and embraced us.

"Hey mum, we just stopped by on our merry way to tell you that we're in a relationship. An intimate one." I said, smiling, showing dimples.

She looked shocked at first, then smirked.

"Ahh yes! After all these years of trying to get you two together!" She yelled, putting her hands up in a dramatized way.

Ash  and I looked t each other incredulously.

"You've planned this?" Ashley asked, confused.

Mum just shook her head 'yes'.

We burst out laughing.

She gave me a 'that was easier than I thought' look and smiled small.

"Well then, we'll be on our way, we've got to track down my sister then go on our date." Ashley said as we hugged my mum.

Once we got outside, I turned to Ash and hugged and kissed her c:

"What was that for?" She asked.

Ashley's POV

"Uh, because there's some paparazzi." He said, turning red.

"O-kay? So, I was thinking about what Simon said. I think we should pretend we've slept together, like soon, before Christmas." I said, biting my lip.

Haz licked his lips and put his hands on my waist, pulling me towards him.

"Maybe we could go to a motel tonight and not have to pretend." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

I pushed him back before he noticed I got cold.

"I think we can wait for my birthday." I said.

"Oh? And when's that?" He asked, waggling his eyebrows.

"Well, it's in two weeks." I said, winking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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