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1. Surprise surprise, this is one of the only fandoms where I will be playing males! Cause I love them all. I'll play any of the main characters. A bit reluctant to play Ace or Russel as a love interest, they can definitely be side characters of course.

2. If I am playing one of the males I will not play them in a very sexual way! You're going to have to settle for the platonic and fluffy side of romance. I know you're probably not going to be happy with that, but I'm a 23 year old asexual lesbian woman. I'm not interested in writing about sexually active perverted 50 year olds! Come on man surely you can understand that! This may lead to characters being slightly outnof character but it's just what has to be done. Password one is your favorite album

3. This is Gorillaz so there will be cussing; mentions of drug use, sexual activity, childhood abuse and trauma; use of alcohol both healthy and unhealthy; sexual mentions and other. PLEASE tell me what you do not want included. I don't want to trigger anyone.

4. Any of these ships are BANNED: 2Doc, 2nu, Nudoc, Cydoc, Acedoc. If you wanted to do that... get out. Others, you may ask about. Generally I see the band as a family. They've mentioned that several times! Murdoc has called Noodle his daughter!

5. Please be literate. Write like a real book.  Correct grammar, and at least 3 sentences. I can understand a few slip ups if English is not your first language! Just as long as it seems like you are trying to write like a grown person and not a child. Password 2 is your favorite characters or character

6. I have the right to not accept your oc. Simple as that.

7. Next Gen Rps are allowed.

8. AUs are allowed.

9. I'm picky about crossovers but they could work! For example PPG and Scooby-Doo exist as real people in their universe so who knows what could happen.

10. I rarely ship Noodle with males. Just letting you know.

11. Please don't constantly tag me. Reminders if I forget are fine but don't be annoying about it! Wait 48 hours at least if it seems like I've forgotten.

12. Don't make the rp only about ocs. I also like character development/exploration and relationships and comfort ect. with the canon characters

13. Don't always make your oc a singer or guitarist. Please be creative! A band doesn't need 3 guitarists... your oc doesn't have to be 'a gorilla' to be associated with the band. They're just people and their whole life isn't completely revolving around the music. I'm not saying your oc CANT be a musician, just don't literally have the same role as 2D or Noodle.

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