Chp.2 Shopping & Boyfriends

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Still Deedee's POV:

"So what are we gonna do after this?" asked Rennie as she took a sip of her shake.

"Well we can go to the mall or something" said Nini giving us a shrug.

"Yea that would be fun. I've got some things I want to buy and it's still early-ish" I said while nodding.

We continued eating and soon we were done. Rennie asked for the check and we quickly paid and walked out to the Jeep.

It didn't take us long before we were at the mall. Nini parked and we made our way inside feeling the cool air of being indoors. We walked around a bit just window shopping before deciding to actually start shopping. We walked into HotTopic and wandered around the store for a bit just looking at the shirts and whatnot.

"Ayo, child, come look at this!" exclaimed Nini. I walked up to where she was and saw some cute jewelry, I looked down to see the necklace she had in her hand. Well it was more of like three necklaces all with sort of similar pendants.

"Aww that's cute, we should get that for the three of us. Plus it'll look cute with any outfit!" I told her looking at the necklaces a bit closer.

Nini handed me the necklaces and continued looking around. A few minutes later I saw Rennie with a handful of shirts and other little nicknacks. She walked up to me with a big smile, I guess she found what she was looking for.

"Look look, I found some Kpop shirts and some cute jewelry too!" she said as she showed off the shirts she had found.

"Wait they have Kpop shirts now? I gotta go check those out" I told her as she quickly nodded at me as I walked away to look at the shirts.

5minutes later we were all walking out of HotTopic with about two bags each. We wandered around some more, walking in and out of shops. Sometimes getting something other times we just looked at the items but didn't get anything.

~~1hr later~~

After walking around for what felt like the longest time ever we decided to go back home and just watch movies. Walking back to the Jeep we each had 5+ bags, Nini struggled to open up the boot of the truck but once she did we dropped our bags in. We made sure that nothing would get squished before closing the boot and making our way inside the truck. Nini quickly turned on the Jeep and turned on the air before she pulled out of the parking lot.

I turned on the radio and connected the aux to my phone playing some music so we wouldn't sit in complete silence of the drive back home. A few songs in and Case 143 came on, I looked over at Nini then back at Rennie with a big smile. I instantly reached over and turned to volume up a bit more. We were all soon screaming incoherent lyrics trying to sing the song. As cars passed by us they laughed a bit seeing us trying to dance in our seats and singing at the top of our lungs.

Shortly after our little mini concert session we arrived home. I turned the volume back down and disconnected from the aux before getting off and walking to the boot of the Jeep to retrieve my bags. We had somehow managed to keep our bags organized so as to not get confused with each others bags. I grabbed my bags and walked to the front door and unlocked it before walking straight to my room.

Once in my room I took everything out of the bags and spread it out in my bed. Looking at everything I had bought I got the idea of taking pictures of everything and sending them to my boyfriend. After taking a picture of everything I decided to change into my pajamas. Once I changed I went downstairs to the kitchen to start preparing for the movie day/night.

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