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(⁠☞⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠☞ Y/N's POV ☜⁠ ⁠(⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)


It's not a phenomenon i haven't met before, I've lost people before, but i didn't care much for them, so it didn't hurt that much.

But losing someone you want to see everyday? Someone you swore on your own life you would protect? Someone you loved so much, that even the mere thought of them being gone will make your heart heavy?

Now take into account that you might never see them again. Death is a monster, it's supposed to be a path to a more peaceful time, a more peaceful place, but a person gone so soon? That's only something that a monster would do. I don't care if I lose my own life, the guy that did this? He deserves death, but not the peaceful part. He deserves the worst death out there.

I have to stay calm. I can't think of stuff like this. All I can do is pray that she gets out of there alive. She wouldn't like me being so angry. Even if it is for the right reasons.

I wear my earphones back in. Sitting outside the room, just hoping to drown myself into the music, forgetting everything that's happening around me. Just close your eyes Y/N. It's all going to be fine.

Minutes passed. Maybe even hours. I don't know. I was calm. Forgetting all about the blood on her body, her lifeless body. The stab wound. The knife. I'm not thinking about the trail of blood, not even the one following Spiderman when he came here. Not the blood stains on my shirt from hugging Spiderman to come here. The blood of my sister. I'm not thinking about any of it. Only the songs playing, his mind is in a different place, will everybody please give him a little bit of space. Nothing else could describe my emotions better at this moment.

I wanna- I wanna talk to someone, who makes me laugh, who'll help me out at a time like this. The only problem is? She's in the room behind me, possibly dead? Who knows.

I trace back to reality as I see someone in from of me, head in his hands, wearing a shirt I recognise. Pav.

Spiderman must've given him a visit too, to tell him about Ben. I can't really even imagine Pav hugging someone and crying, especially with his hair. I guess everyone has a weak spot.

He probably came himself though, because of the lack of blood stains on his shirt. Maybe he found out some other way, but his hands were stained red. Maybe he was at the site then.

I look up at his face, him trying not to break down at any moment.

"Hey." I try to call him, maybe a familiar face will do some help. "You wanna sit down?" It's not easy to lose someone who was your whole life. I pat the seat beside me, giving a small smile while he walked over the the chair next to me, looking so fragile. A simple word could break him into pieces.

"You wanna talk? I promise I won't judge you for crying. Nobody here will. I'm here if you need a shoulder" i offer him a hug, he leans in for the hug, and starts breaking down on my shoulder. My shirt, filled with tears.

"I- i should've gone with you! I shouldn't have said now-! He could've still been here if it wasn't for me" his tears still flowing, making my shirt stick to my skin because of all the tears. I put my arms around him, and his face dug deeper into my shoulder, tears still flowing down.

"It's not your fault Pav. I swear! Nothing could've avoided this. We're lucky that Spiderman was there when he was, or else they never would've been found." I tried to console him. I knew i couldn't stop his tears, but atleast i could stop those tears from tearing him apart with each drop.

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