1. The meeting

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Emma's POV

I woke up early to make sure I got to uni in time. I was studying art textiles/clothing design. I got changed into black skinny jeans, white vest top, oversized knitted jumper, boots and fixed my straight blonde hair into a loose fishtail plait. Then I went into the bathroom and got ready for the day.

I left my apartment and got a cab through the beautiful busy streets of London to get to university. I paid the cab driver and ran quickly up the steps and into the building to escape the bitter British winter.

~A few hours later~

I left uni and realised I didn't get any breakfast and I was surprisingly hungry. I decided to get a Starbucks. As I walked in the amazing smell of coffee blasted me in the face. I ordered my mocha and sat down at a table looking out and zoning out. I sipped my coffee whilst flicking through a trashy magazine. I decided I couldn't put it off anymore and left the warmth of the coffee shop and back into the cold streets.

I was walking down the street when a guy knocked into me.

"Hey!" I said

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" He replied

He looked up and I couldn't believe it. It was Joe Sugg! I didn't know whether I should ask him if he was Joe even though I was already certain so I let him apologize.

"No its okay. It was just as much my fault." I replied

"Did I hurt you?" Joe asked sounding genuinely worried.

"No I'm okay. "

"Let me make it up to you" Joe said with a cute smirk.

"Haha okay. How ?" I asked.

"I think I should take you for a drink, just to make sure you're okay." He answered with a wink.

My heart started pounding fast in my chest. Is this a dream?!

"I'm Joe by the way." He said offering to shake my hand.

"Haha I know. I'm Emma." I answered with a smile.

We walked down the street chatting as we went until we arrived at a beautiful café overlooking a green park.

We sat down at a table and ordered our drinks. A green tea for me and a coffee for Joe.

"You have beautiful eyes." Joe said looking into them.

I blushed and thanked him while he chuckled at my nervousness. After a while, when we had both finished our drinks, we left the café and I told him I had to go home to finish some coursework.

"Can I have your number?" He asked smiling at me.

"Sure" I said as we swapped phones my heart still beating fast.

Then I hailed a cab and said goodbye.

"I hope I see you soon." He said as I shut the cab door and smiled at him.

Authors Note: This is the first of many chapters (hopefully). I hope you are enjoying it so far. If you are please vote and comment etc.:)

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