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Joe's POV

We had been in Australia for two weeks and we were going home today. I loved it in Australia and I wouldn't have wanted to visit with anyone else. We were in a taxi on the way back to my apartment and I opened Twitter and laughed - Missed @Joe_Sugg but he's coming home today :D.

I retweeted as the cab pulled up outside our apartment building. We got out the cab and walked up the stairs. We put our bags down and collapsed on the sofa. Then Caspar bounded up the stairs and jumped on Emma and I and we laughed hard at him.

"Owww, Caspar!" I moaned.

Caspar got off but then sat in between us.

"How was it?" He asked.

"It was amazing!" I said.

"Australia is so beautiful." Emma said. We spoke a bit more about our trip and Caspar got us both a drink.

We put a movie on and soon Emma was asleep on the sofa. She was so cute! I moved her so my arm was wrapped around her and her head was on my lap. I stroked her hair and soon I fell asleep too.

Emma's POV

It's been a week since Joe and I came back from Australia and I was waiting at the airport for Lucy. She was coming to live in England! I saw her and ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.

"Welcome to England!!" I yelled making her laugh. When we were back at my apartment I told her that me and Joe were planning a party so she could meet some of the Youtube crew (I was really good friends with them all now.) She said she would love that and her eyes glistened when I told her we had invited Dan.

"Hmm. Got a little crush on Dan, have we?" I asked teasing her. Lucy blushed.

"Maybe." she said and started to giggle.

~A few days later~

It was Lucy's welcome party and when I introduced Dan to Lucy a smile stretched across his lips and Lucy seemed genuinely happy. I walked past a few minutes later and it sounded like they were having an indepth conversation about their favourite Pokémon characters. They seemed perfect for each other. I was then distracted by Joe and he walked over to me and kissed me kently but passionately on the lips and after a while I felt him smirk into the kiss.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

A/N This is the second to last chapter because I feel like it has gone on long enough and I dot feel like anything else could happen.

I finally finished school for summer today so yay! So I may not reply to comments as quickly as I normally would xx

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