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Brrrrr... prrring! Brrrrr... prrring!
The patterned beeping and whirring of the instruments of the bridge put Mac'hla at ease.
She sat in the Captain's chair, legs crossed with a cup of tea in one hand and a PADD in the other, reviewing the details of the latest away team's mission.
"Three and a half hours until arrival, Captain." Sivna said, turning in their chair.
"Thank you, Mx. Tissa." Mac'hla replied and sipped their tea, "Have the guest quarters been prepared?"
"Yes, sir." Strivok replied, "I recommend that you check them, however. I am not familiar with what a human would find acceptable.
"I am sure it is fine, he is not particularly picky about where he stays." Mac'hla replied absently.
Mac'hla was somewhat perplexed as to why The Revival was chosen to bring such important members of Starfleet to a conference– typically a perfectly functioning galaxy class vessel would be chosen. And seeing as one was closer to the station, it was completely illogical for her vessel to be transporting them.
They suspected that it most likely had to do with Admiral Kirk. Nearly a year ago, when Mac'hla first took Command, he had told them he wanted to see them in action. After all, it was he who had recommended them.
When Starfleet had decided to recommision an old, rundown crossfield class vessel ironically called The Revival, they needed a Captain. Preferably someone experienced and willing to work with the slightly slower and frequently malfunctioning ship.
As it turned out, not many people were eager to take command.
But Admiral Kirk, Captain at the time, knew of a bright young scientist with an affinity for shooting through ranks due to their incredible intelligence and devotion to their duty. They had time and time again shown the capacity to command, and in the face of difficulty they had always pushed through with skill and bravery.
Mac'hla Tirok, Former Chief Botanist of the Enterprise.
He had sent a representative of Starfleet all the way to Netrek to speak with her and offer her the position. Mac'hla was hesitant at first– she had a family and life in Netrek... but that ended up being the exact reason she took the position.
Yes, Netrek was home. Mac'hla held many happy memories from there, but there were some challenges.
Netrek was prone to disaster, whether it be natural or otherwise. Storms, fires, floods, droughts, earthquakes, plagues... these disasters had affected not only her, but every Netrekan. PTSD haunted the Netrekans, and despite Mac'hla's love for their home, they didn't want their family growing up in a place that could hurt them. Maybe when they were older, but... Netrek was no place for a child. It was a difficult decision, but ultimately they and T'Ve decided it was best.
The wives and their family would always be Netrekan– even their beloved Reelok who had grown up on starships. Netrekan was not just an ethnicity... it was a heart.
Mac'hla subconsciously put their hands above their belly button. Speaking of children, Mac'hla had yet to inform the crew of her 'present condition'.They had only just found out two weeks ago and they hadn't been able to find the time to tell anyone, not even Strivok.
"Captain," Suoh said, turning in his chair at the engineering station, "Turbo-lift B has stopped working."
Mac'hla sighed. Of course it did.
"Bridge to engineering." Mac'hla said flatly.
"Engineering, what can I do for you Captain?" Cerese asked. Through the speaker, Mac'hla could hear the sound of radiation.
"...Commander, are you in the warp core?" Mac'hla asked.
"Aye, sir. Just doing some tuning up... again." Cerese explained, straining with effort.
"Alright... please send an engineer to lift B, it is malfunctioning again.  Mister Suoh, is there anyone in the lift?"
"No, sir. It's empty."
"That makes things easier. As I said, Miss Surnyn, please send someone to repair this, I want this ship functioning perfectly when our guests arrive."
"Aye sir." Cerese said, "I'll get someone on it. Surnyn out."
"Ship chose a hell of a day to malfunction, hm?" Camari asked with a grin.
Mac'hla nodded, "She has a way of doing so at important times."
"But that's why we love her." Andromeda smiled.
"Do you think we could risk going to warp six? It would cut out time in half." Sivna
"That is unadvisable, Ensign. Doing so may result in damage to the warp coil, as well as our arrival being early. It is impolite to arrive earlier than expected as we may catch the Admiral and Captain before they are prepared to leave. Keep us at warp 3."
Sinva sighed and turned back around, growing a little tired of plugging in the same coordinates over and over again.
Strivok stepped away from his station, intending to ask the Captain a question regarding Mr. Spock– he had heard a lot about him and was looking forward to meeting him. But as he approached their chair, he noticed what Mac'hla was reading.
A review about the Klingons cruiser found by Lake Cataria.
"Captain," he whispered harshly, "What is that?"
She quickly turned off the PADD and turned to him, "I have not the slightest clue what you are talking about. Return to your station, Lieutenant."
"With all due respect, Captain, I don't think–"
"Return to your station."
Strivok nodded and with a sigh he spun on his heels and returned to his station.
Was that the reason they were headed to Betazed?

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