Ch 35: Gratitude

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Princess Estina stirred. For the first time in a long time, she was warm and comfortable. She didn't open her eyes. Her intuition told her she was safe. A thick, heavy but soft blanket covered her, and she could tell from the firm material she was lying on that she was in a bed, the mattress beneath her much softer than the hard floor she had been lying on previously. Silence echoed around her. She wondered whether she should try to doze some more, but sleep had passed and it no longer lingered.

Opening her eyes, she blinked and took in her surroundings. Confusion and astonishment filled her. She was in a large oak four poster bed in an equally large stone room. Three large arched windows lined one side of the wall. Their heavy curtains were drawn aside allowing a soft light to creep inside.

Surprisingly, she was pain free. That was until she tried to sit up. Pain shot through her upper body again, and she gasped.

"Don't be stupid," Prince Alain said.

She turned her head. "Alain," she breathed, a small smile coming to her lips. Their last separation had been their longest since birth. He must have been sitting in the large chair by her bed for he now stood over her. Leaning down, he gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"It's good to see you finally awake," he said. "You've had me worried. By all the ancestors, you've had everyone worried."

She lifted her arm and he leaned down further so they could embrace.

"Where are we?" she asked once they had separated. Her throat was parched and sore. She swallowed several times, trying to ease some of the discomfort.

Prince Alain remained standing. He looked around the room as well before he moved to place a large pillow behind her head. "Lord Clep's guest quarters in his Manor House." He turned to a small table beside her bed and passed a large mug. "Here. Drink some water. You've been asleep for two days."

"Two days!" she gasped. She knew time had passed, but she would never have thought she could sleep for that long.

"A mixture of exhaustion and the healer's herbal remedy that he gave you did the trick. You probably don't remember drinking it. You were quite delirious by the time they got you here." His brow furrowed. "You did yourself some injury," he said. "You need to be more careful. If you die, all of this ends."

She nodded. "How is everyone?"

"Surprisingly well," he said. "Menelt wasn't injured in the fighting. Weldlan was seriously hurt, but he has been given treatment by a Talekan Assassin."

"A Talekan Assassin?" she asked, her cup held frozen in front of her face. She couldn't believe how much she had missed.

"Yes, she even came in to check on you. Your wounds are healing well and without infection."

Princess Estina could only stare at her brother.

"Jale is also doing much better," Prince Alain continued, "although he is still unconscious. The assassin saw to him first."

"Where is he?"

"In the caravan still, he's.."

"No," she cut her brother off. "Ask Lord Clep to put him into one of his guest rooms immediately. I would not be here if it was not for that man. A caravan is no place for him to rest and recover."

Prince Alain nodded. "We did it in the hope that when Teal awakes, he will see Jale and hopefully be calmer."

Princess Estina closed her mouth and contemplated. "No, Jale is still our cousin. After what he's been through, I want him treated with the utmost respect. I want him moved."

The Purple Jade Palace: Prince Yernal's Plan (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now