adopt a little rules!

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Here are the rules of adopting a little!!

1: this is an individual rp with me! Don't butt into another's rp and don't try to adopt another person's little

2: if I make you a little and you do not say anything at all for a week I will put it up for adoption.

3: specify if your adopting or if you want me to make you one special for your character in your form.

4: if you don't respond to our within a month I will put them up for adoption so please make sure you respond.

5: tag me whenever. I will tag you after 3 days as I know people get busy. Tell me if you need a break or if your going offline so I don't accidentally put your little up for adoption.

6: be nice and don't make your character all powerful that gets boring

7: make some drama! It's boring without it

8: respond in third person not:
Gabe: hi
"Hi" Gabe said.

9:be respectful and make rules for the little. The little may sometimes break them.

That's all I think!

~Little adoption day~ BxB rp for daddy domsWhere stories live. Discover now