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Infected carried about her typical day like any other. She woke up in the morning, brushed her teeth, and ate whatever brand of instant oatmeal she had left in her pockets before she ran out and had to get more, only to wander around for a few hours before falling back asleep in some random location. Nothing too interesting happened on those ordinary days. All of the people she used to sometimes see to keep her sanity in check now never appeared, and she didn't have any goals to accomplish or chase after. It was quite a simple life for the past destroyer of worlds to live.

Though today, change did arise. Infected was instantaneously transported to a completely white void while enjoying a smoothie in an abandoned warehouse. The repetitive color of the void, or rather, the complete lack of it, had made Infected both curious and uncomfortable.

"Where did my smoothie go...?" Was the first thing Infected muttered, only to be met with no response. She glanced around the dry and monotone landscape to see no more than the same endless white sea infinitely expanding in front of her. The nihility of the place reminded her of a universe she terminated long ago, named Alphatale. Usually, when universes were destroyed, all that remained was this same dull color.

"Ahem," a voice broke out. "Are you gonna look around like an idiot forever?"

Infected turned to face the progenitor of the voice. She met a medium-height green-skinned girl with spiky white hair and a compact frame. The woman held a happy smile that lay on the precipice of smugness. Infected ignored her insult and responded faster than most would in the same situation. "I'm guessing you're the one who brought me here. What do you want?"

"Well, to put it in a way that isn't sugarcoated..." the girl's smile changed to a smirk, and she looked directly into Infected's eyes.

"I want you to kill every student in class 1-A!"

Infected blinked in confusion. She put great effort in leaving behind her past of destroying things (and people) for fun and believed she was a better person now. She would be lying, though, if she were to say the thought didn't interest her. She felt uneasy that she was considering hurting people without reason, but her conflicting feelings couldn't find an answer by themselves. Infected responded coolly and didn't outwardly show anything other than plain curiosity.

"So you want me to kill people for you, huh? You'd be best off telling me who they are first. And why you want me to do it, too."

The girl's smirk grew a tiny bit wider. Initially, she'd expected this to be hard, but Infected not instantly turning her down made her quite optimistic about getting what she wanted. "Well, basically, class 1-A is this class of high school students training to become heroes. In the universe they're in, people are born with weird powers known as quirks. There's also normal Joe Schmoes who're born without powers that are called quirkless. As you can imagine, this started a whole bunch of crime, so real-life heroes became a thing to go around and fight villainous quirk users that regular cops couldn't handle by themselves!"

Infected attentively listened to the girl with a look of rising interest. The entire plot of the world was very intriguing to her. And even if she were to be a villain again, she couldn't deny that the idea of something so new in her boring life made her feel excited. She hadn't much regard for morals when she started thinking over her answer again. As much as her inner ethics tried to fight against her desires, the woman's proposal was too interesting to deny. Still, an outwardly unsure and aloof response was all Infected provided.

"...Alright, you have my attention. But will you ever tell me exactly why you want me to kill a bunch of kids? And who are you, anyway?"

"Hehehehe..." The girl rubbed her hands together and grinned slyly. "The name's MortalHater23! That's not my actual name, but it's what most people call me. And I want you to do it for my YouTube channel! I feel like this would make for some awesome content."

Infected blinked again. She sat in silence momentarily and thought deeply about what she just heard. She couldn't save herself from bursting out in laughter at the thought of killing people just for 'content.'

"Hahaha! Alright, alright... You know, MortalHater23, you seem like a funny person. Sure, I'll do it. But I'm gonna be taking my time. I'm not like a personal hitman. Any requests you have in particular?"

Infected's complaisant reply brought back the cheery expression to the green-skinned girl's face. She was ecstatic for everything to be going so smoothly. "Awesome! Now, I've forged you an entry by recommendation into the 1-A classroom. You'll be a student there, and I'll drop you off in front of the main building. Whatever you do then, it's all up to you! Oh, and the school is called U.A., by the way."

It didn't take Infected any more time than necessary to nod her head in approval. As conflicted as she felt about all of this, she couldn't combat the eagerness she felt about it.

"Alright, I'm ready. Send me down whenever you'd like, pal. I'll try to put on a good show for your channel. Maybe I'll even subscribe to it, too." Infected let out a chuckle.

"You'd better—Or else!! And one more thing... Good luck!"

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