Entering the School

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Infected stood before the enormous walls of U.A High. At first glance, she thought it looked too high-class to be a good learning place.

Infected quietly muttered, "It looks like an H.." as she searched for an entrance to the school. However, she found no opening in the motionless gate and towering stone walls. The city made Infected uneasy, despite its lack of activity. She disliked being in crowded areas, and cities were merely a way to cram as many individuals as possible into one location. Every passing vehicle made her feel disgusted and anxious, causing her to turn away and try to open the gate.

Infected almost resorted to force before the school's security system recognized the forged I.D card on her person and caused the gate to open itself. She wasn't sure what happened or why, but she shrugged and walked in without much thought.

"Hey, Uraraka, look! It's the new student!" A voice spoke out from around the main doors, the origin being a young and cheerful boy with dark green hair. The girl beside him nodded gently and ran over to Infected, with the boy following shortly after.

"Hi there! You must be the new kid we're getting, right? My name's Uraraka. And that's Deku!" The gate closed behind Infected as she met with two of her temporary classmates face-to-face. She passed any particular friendly or hostile greetings and stuck to the primary way of speaking she always relied on.

"Hey there. The name's Infected."

"Infected...? That's such an unusual name. It's kinda scary... But I think it's pretty cool!"

"Y-Yeah, you are pretty scary, haha..." Deku was obviously trying to look away from the massive bleeding slash across Infected's chest. Her overall appearance made Uraraka and Deku both visibly uncomfortable, but the former was better at hiding it than the latter.

"Hey, we should walk to class together. You probably don't know where to go since you're new here, right? Here, come on, I'll show you!" Uraraka took off into the school, and Deku quickly followed behind her. Infected also took pursuit, not finding any reason to stay behind. Throughout the walk, Deku trailed to Infected's side and asked her what seemed like a million questions. "What's your quirk?" "Where are you from?" "Why do you want to become a hero?" "Who's your favorite pro hero? Mine is All Might!" Were among some of the many questions he asked her, all of which not having a clear answer given in response. It wasn't entirely because Infected was annoyed with all the questions, but she also had zero ideas on how to answer any of them.

"And what do you think of All Might? Did you see when he saved those people in the burning city? He was so tired and exhausted, but he kept going back until he saved everyone...! I—"


"Alright, we're here!" Uraraka spoke extra loudly, wanting to save Infected from Deku's awful ramblings. It was a thing she thought could drive any sane person mad. "A-And, um... Me and Deku were... Already a bit late, sooo... You wouldn't mind telling Mr. Aizawa we were busy helping you find your way here, right...? Hehe..."

Infected blinked at Uraraka with a look of curiosity. "So you're both close friends... You're a girl, and he's a boy... What were you two doing that made you late to class?"

Uraraka and Deku flushed a bright crimson red and threw their hands out dismissively. Infected could feel the heat radiating off of their faces and hardly understood the two with how much they were screaming.

"I-It's nothing like that, I swear! W-W-We were just—"

The classroom door slid open, and a collective gasp among the students cut the two blushing lovebirds off mid-sentence. All of the class' inhabitants stared at Infected the same way they would at an animal in a zoo, not in a condescending manner, but in astonishment for something they'd never seen before.

"That's our new classmate...?"
"We got a girl?... Awesome!"
"Hmmm... She's kind of... Flat... A-A-And... S-Scary...!"
"Shut up, Mineta!"
"What's with those creepy ghost-things following her...?"
"And that big gash on her chest... Did she get hurt on her way here, or something? How's she even standing up?"

Infected ignored all the comments and brushed to the back of the classroom. She sat beside a lone boy with multi-colored hair and a burn mark across his face. Like Infected, he seemed relatively uninterested in all the commotion and people. Some sort of Japanese incense smell came off the boy, and his posture seemed unnaturally formal for a school setting. Infected took a liking to him, despite the possibility that she could be killing him in a few hours.

At the head of the class, a dirty and scruffy-looking man cleared his throat. Seeing his face past his long, greasy black hair was difficult. "All right, everyone, quiet down." Without resistance, the class heeded the man's request. "Now, Infected," The class murmured at the mention of Infected's unusual name, causing the man at the front of the class to clear his throat dismissively. He was getting impatient with everyone's disobedience. "Don't make me repeat myself. Now, Infected, U.A. doesn't adhere to traditional school methods and allows their staff to teach their classes however they like. This includes teachers having the authority to expel any student at any time and for any reason, no matter how minor."

Infected yawned without letting the man continue. She brushed through her blonde hair and chuckled to herself without much of a visible reason.

"Yeah, yeah... This all seems pretty boring. I never liked school, you know? This introduction process, the people I met in front of this place, the class' diversity... It all just feels like I'm being written in some shitty fan fiction." Everyone stared at Infected without any response to her joke. If anything, the rest of the class seemed surprised at her shift from timidity to such boldness. For a moment, only silence remained between her and the classroom. The only noise that Infected could hear was the humming of the purple wisps that constantly trailed behind her.

"...And whatever happens next... Well, I don't really feel like experiencing it. I was never made to be a hero. A destroyer... That's what I was made to be. It's what I'll always be."
Infected looked down at the floor. She hadn't found any of this funny but still laughed in despair at her state of being. The conflicting emotions within her of her own reason to exist reached their final battle, and only the victor remained. The Pyrrhic victory of Infected's darker side betrayed all she once knew and loved, even if it was all in her life for only a short while. The return back to what she once was only felt right to her now, even when faced with the sadness it brought her.

"That green girl really turbocharged how I feel about this whole thing. About me, I mean.
Don't worry; I won't go monologuing about myself to you guys. I'll jump straight into the action. I'm sure that's what everyone wants, right?" Infected effortlessly punched a hole through the classroom wall, opening up a windy view of the city below. The class' shock now reached its highest height. Infected's raw strength both impressed and surprised everyone in the room.

"I'll be killing you all later today. If you're all real heroes, then that'll be the only option remaining for you." Infected jumped backward through the opening in the wall. The teacher dashed forwards in an attempt to catch her, both fearful for her safety and what could happen if she did get away.

By the time he was at the hole, Infected had disappeared completely.

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