Conduit of Destruction

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Thick smoke blotted out the sky, and rampaging fires scorched down homes. Rubble littered the streets, and bleeding civilians couldn't spare the strength to scream while trapped underneath the confines of their own destroyed houses. Within only a few minutes after her departure from U.A., Infected had already reduced the nearby city block into a graveyard.

Too late to save anyone, a few heroes arrived to confront Infected. They stood in a group facing parallel to Infected, collectively staring at her with unexplainable disgust on their faces. Among the first to fall was Best Jeanist, a blonde man covered head-to-toe in denim apparel. Infected disappeared from where she was standing and reappeared in the place of Best Jeanist. In that quick moment, he was lying dead against a pile of rubble several meters from his companions.

Infected's maniacal laughter was the only noise that remained after Best Jeanist's swift death. It came out slowly at first, but quickly rose to an insane cackle. The heroes around her were too stunned to do or say anything as fear and shock bolted through them. For one flaming man, hatred and anger were more prevalent on his face than anything else. The fire surrounding him rose to unseen heights of temperature, and he shot out scorching hot flames towards Infected from the palm of his hand. He screamed at her while letting his rage and anger control his body.


The flaming man, Endeavor, unleashed all of his power in that one blast. The speed and intensity of it had painted even the ground underneath it a dark shade of black. Infected expended no effort dodging the attack, leaving Endeavor firing at nothing but air. The solar flare from his fire made it difficult for his allies to see, which is an opportunity Infected put to use in an instant. Her cleaver carved through the backside of a hero known as Midnight, with her limp body falling to the floor after she bled out that very minute.

Another hero was flying through the sky with his wings. Two skeletal cannons appeared side-by-side to Infected, shooting a continuous beam of white energy toward the man. After they stopped firing, the hero known as Hawks disappeared entirely.

It's important to note that while it may seem that no one was fighting back against Infected, she was moving at speeds far beyond what any of the heroes could process. To an outside observer, they would see a group of valiant heroes ready to save them one second and then a pile of scattered bodies the next.

Endeavor blinked and reopened his eyes to see all of his companions dead or gone. The shock he felt took over his body and rendered him helpless as Infected rose him to the air by his throat. She saw the fear on his face and couldn't help but laugh in sadistic pleasure. Her voice came out in a cold, mocking tone.

"Tell me, hero. What scares you more? Is it the thought of death, or the pain that comes before it?"

Without giving the man a chance to reply, Infected grabbed one of her purple wisps with her bare hands and slowly forced it across the man's face. Much to Infected's amusement, he screamed in agony as his flesh and tissue burnt away. It was ironic to her to see a man whose power is fire-bending being burnt alive.

Endeavor quickly gave in, and he, too, fell alongside his comrades. Infected cast his body aside and turned back to face the city she had just brought to ruin. She stood silently amidst all the mayhem. Sirens blaring, buildings crumbling, fires burning. It was an aria of beauty to Infected. Not in the sense that she admired pain; she just enjoyed inflicting it upon others. She was a simple maniac with a simple goal—And one that she'd long rejected out of an internal conflict between her emotions. Now, she was fully embracing it once more.

A gust of wind passed by.


"Y...You...!" A voice rang out, piercing the air between Infected and the boy shouting. Infected turned and met Deku, the green-haired hero-in-training she'd met only a few minutes ago.

"Oh? You're here? That's a surprise. I had no idea they sent off kids to their deaths around here."

Infected stared into Deku's soul, and with all the bodies of pro heroes lying around him, he'd have been lying to himself if he had tried to say he wasn't scared. He was completely taken aback that Infected could reduce the city to such a state after only leaving his sight for a few minutes. "...I... I'm not supposed to be here..." Deku exhaled heavily. Past his fear, it was hard to contain the overpowering anger and determination to protect whoever was left around him. "...I know that... But I... I'm still going to stop you...! It doesn't matter that I'm not supposed to be here... I won't let you hurt anyone else!" Deku ran forwards with what felt like the hope of the entire world on his shoulders. He would stop this monster, and nothing would get in his way.

Infected slyly grinned at the boy and held up the lifeless body of Endeavor. "So are you gonna save this guy, too?"

Her comment made something snap inside Deku. He felt a new power brewing inside him—A unique feeling of complete and utter hatred. As pure as he was, he didn't care even if he killed this woman. It was one of the best outcomes in his eyes. He charged up a punch with more power than he thought he could produce. It was as if several people were inside him, lending every last bit of their might to aid him in taking Infected down. Rocks levitated around him and green lightning sparked all around his body.

"One For All... One Billion Percent... SMAAASSSHH!!!"

Infected's skin turned the dark hue of jet black. Deku screamed out in anguish from the pain he felt after hitting her. It was like striking an indestructible metal, and all the force Deku had just exerted came right back to him. He flew back to the ground and cried out endlessly at the sight of his missing right arm.

"Nanomachines, son! They harden in response to physical trauma." Infected flexed her arm (which was hard to see under her blue jacket) as her skin returned to its usual paleness. "You can't hurt me, Deku. Now, it's time to die.."

Infected gripped her cleaver and swung it down on Deku.

It was stopped only mere inches away from Deku's face by a brightly glowing pink scythe. Infected looked at the defender and saw the YouTuber MortalHater23 blocking her attack. She remained silent briefly before bringing her cleaver back to her side, a gesture which the green-skinned girl returned.

"I don't get it." Infected blinked curiously. "Didn't you want me to kill these people?"

"Yes, but I said for you to kill the students of class 1-A... Not for you to go on a rampage and destroy an entire city!" The YouTuber let out a long sigh and turned away. "You know, I didn't even want for you to actually kill class 1-A. My plan was to tell you that and have you come here, only for you to make a realization about who you are and become all sweet and nice. That would've made for great content!"

Infected stared silently at the woman. Countless thoughts were racing through her head, some returning her inner conflict about who she was for brief intervals. She lingered not for long as MortalHater23 swung her scythe and teleported her away in a pink flash.

All that remained now was the chaos in the ruined city and its countless exanimate bodies. Deku was one of the only people still alive around where Infected had started wreaking havoc, and he, too, would soon join the others in death as he bled out on the floor.

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