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"YOHOO" Lola suddenly yells scaring everyone "YOU READY FOR THE NEXT SCENE?"

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"YOHOO" Lola suddenly yells scaring everyone "YOU READY FOR THE NEXT SCENE?"

Richie was the first to sober up "yes" sitting down and motioning Potato who still have his hand on his heart to calm down and act nonchalant "lets continue" as the room went quite Jane is shown twirling around from happiness on her way to the bathroom, she goes smiling into the bathroom where the sound of crying is heard

"Oh right the drama queen has yet to react on her EX-BOYFRIEND moving on I forgot" Olivia rolled her eyes

"What did you expect him to do" Susan turns to Wally shocked when she hears him "stay single for the rest of his life for you?"

"No... but-but-"

"But what?" Gil cut her off, protective of his new found friend, somehow the brainy girl with her demand for respect everywhere she goes, got into his heart, and obviously his respect "just let Jane be happy and move on" there was silence around the room

"Thank you... Really" Jane turns around to smile at everyone "but let's just continue" she says and puts her head back on Buddy's shoulder, not sensing Richie loving stare. Man, even without her knowing him properly, she smiles at him all the same, and he ain't losing her again

Jane closes the door and turn to see Susan and her "friends" in the bathroom. Susan crying while the other girls comforting her, the slam of the door stops the crying and the girls turn to Jane "Sorry." Jane mumbles

"Have a fun summer, Jane?" Rose asks accusingly

"Yeah, have a fun summer?" Dot parroted

"Dot, don't be rude!" Susan turns

"what a bunch of doggies going after their owner" Cynthia scuffs

"Like the T-birds aren't the same" Rose interject, and a yelling match start between the T-birds, Pink Ladies and the Soc's

"SHUT UP" Jane yells "AND WATCH" everyone stills and looks to the screen as the girls whisper at Dot "Don't be rude."

"I'm sorry." Susan apologies "They're just being protective, because, well, Buddy and I used to go together. Oh, but that's ancient history. Now you're going with him, steady. That makes me so... happy."

"Drama queen!" Nancy mumbles "and that comes from me"

"Buddy!" she leans to the front to yell at her ex who didn't talk at all since the beginning "defend me!"

"On what?" he shrugged and Susan let out a frustrated yell as she turn to the screen whilw some people snickered

"It does?" Dot asks confused as the pink ladies snorts in disbelief in the theater

"Of course. When Jane showed up at Rydell in the middle of last year, I was worried she'd never find her place. I suppose I shouldn't have worried, though. Looks like you fit right in." Susan starts sobbing, the Soc's gets out while the toilet flush.

WATCHING GREASE: rise of the pink ladiesWhere stories live. Discover now