Hospital Stay- Kuzupeko

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-Please watch/listen to the video before reading for maximum amount of feels-

'I didn't mean for it to turn out this way.. You know I think of you more than that.. You aren't just that, you're better, smarter, wiser, all of that. Why can't you see it with your own eyes? Why do I have to tell you that?! I CAN'T tell you that.. That's the thing. God, you make this so difficult on me, you probably don't realize it either.'

Kuzuryu fell lifelessly in front of the mess that had occurred. An attempt to save the only one he could ever trust, the one he wished he could have trusted in a different way. It was no use, right? Monokuma always said that death was the way they'd get off of this godforsaken island. But, when Peko was sentenced to her death he couldn't see clearly anymore. His emotions clouded his mind, his brain, only his heart to lead him.

His heart led him to his near death, the one he was supposed to avoid at all costs. He could have won, he could have gotten off of the hell hole he was on if he had just let everyone be wrong.. Say that he was the killer and they all had failed. But, Peko, she would have died either way, being the killer or a sacrifice to his survival. She did say that was what she was meant to do. But that wasn't right. Of course it wasn't right...

He couldn't save her either way, he knew that. But for some reason he felt the need to jump out to save her. It seemed as if that only hindered her. It worried her, he saw the flash of her eyes as he got.. well, slashed. That was the last time he would ever see her, alive.

Now, there was no use to do anything. He had been escorted away to the hospital somewhere he didn't know. He was alone, just the sound of a clock on the wall, ticking and ticking and ticking and ticking. If he had the strength to throw something at it without sobbing he would have. The sounds of the clock drown away in his muffled cries, cries no one would ever hear but himself.

Petty really, how he was crying over someone like her. Someone who was beautiful, outside and under her skin. Someone who didn't quite know how to say the right things, but said them anyways. Someone who sacrificed themselves for an asshole. Someone who.. who..

Fuyuhiko leaned his head against the pillow behind him, squinting his one good eye shut. Tears seemed to flow out of it naturally, without him realizing it until drops got onto his shirt, or the feeling of water on his cheek became relevant. No one would ever see him cry, Mokokuma only stopping in sometimes. Usually he was cared for without his knowledge, being asleep while they did treatments. He'd wake up with an IV in his arm, and half of his head throbbing. That seemed to be normal now.

When he slept, it was hard. It was hard not to think of the others. He nearly sent them all to their death. Peko wanted him to do that, right? All of those memories were muddled. They seemed better muddled. He couldn't remember the last words she said, which felt more comforting. He could act like she was still alive, waiting for him to get out of the hospital.

However two words always stuck in his head. He swore they were played through the air just to mess with him. Two words, in the voice of her.. Quite easily assumed, 'Young Master'. Young Master.. He never deserved that name, she never deserved the life she was put into. He didn't want her as a body guard, he wanted her as a friend.. Even.. More that that sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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