1| Sadie

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I woke up in a golf cart that was parked outside of what looked like the entrance to the underwater city of Atlantis. My first hint that I was dead. Monumental stone pillars created an archway that was paired with stone walls as lofty as the trees. Everywhere I looked I was met with grey rock and luxuriant greenery. I winced as I tried to sit up, seeing as I was sprawled in the back seat. The moment my back left the upholstery, I muffled a scream. It felt as if every bone in my body had been shattered. I tilted my head slightly and found nothing but looming trees. A golf cart parked in the middle of a forest? I was confused.

The tiny vehicle also seemed to be concealed inside a bush, probably why I'd woken up with leaves tickling my nose. And the cart didn't appear to be in good condition either. A hole was in the little roof and the seat looked as if somebody had stabbed it repeatedly. In a weird way, the vehicle looked exactly how I felt. But for the life of me, I couldn't recall how I'd gotten here. It felt like a hangover of the worst kind, except I couldn't remember if I'd ever gotten drunk before either.

A sound caught my attention and I twisted to see a horse fall from the sky. I had no energy to scream but I would've, truly, I would've. But there was something that drew me towards it, that wouldn't allow me to look away. Fall would be the wrong word to use. The horse landed. And its agile landing was due to the massive wings it sported. My second hint that I was dead.

Atop the horse was a young man dressed head to toe in black leather. The only material of colour was the white bandanna that was tied around his right wrist. His brown hair was cropped close to his head (a buzzcut) and his skin was tan enough to make me believe he went surfing every day. He hopped off the white horse—pegasus, my mind corrected me. For a few seconds, he just stood there, glimpsing around. I would've asked him for help but the sword strapped to his hip made me shut up.

"I know you're hiding around here," he said loudly, rolling his eyes and scoffing. I froze, cowering from my spot in my ruined golf cart. "I'm not stupid." I hadn't said he was stupid. In fact, he'd be the last person I'd call stupid. One wrong move and that sword would chop my head off. "Show yourself before I rat you out to—"

"Okay, fine!" That wasn't my voice. Whilst it was the voice of a girl, it was a little deeper than mine. Huskier. The voice was soon trailed by a tall redhead who appeared from behind one of the pillars. She wore a pleated black skirt with an untucked white shirt that showcased a bright green badge on the breast pocket. The guy moved to enter the place (Atlantis?) but was stopped by the girl. "Reggie, I'm begging you. I know I'm not supposed to be outside the academy but—"

"Supposed is putting it lightly," Reggie responded in an irked voice, coated in an accent I couldn't place. "How about you were instructed—no, ordered to remain within academy borders until the storm has passed."

The girl fidgeted with her hands. "And who says I haven't remained within the borders?"

That must've been the wrong thing to say because Reggie swore. "Lily," he said slowly. "I can literally see beach sand in your fucking hair. What were you doing down by the docks? Do you know how dangerous it is to be prancing around—"

"I don't prance—"

"—Whilst a literal hurricane is raging?" Reggie finished, looking ready to throttle her. I glanced at my debilitated golf cart and wondered if it had the misfortune of being caught in that hurricane. It sure looked like it. Reggie's pegasus watched the argument with about as much enthusiasm as a tea bag. "Citizens are freaking out and buildings have toppled. Have you any idea how serious this is? Or have you Lilied the entire situation?"

She was quiet for a moment, looking ashamed as the taller guy admonished her. Then she said, "You can't use me as a verb, Reggie." He swore, loudly this time. "But I promise I was outside for good reason this time!" Her voice lowered slightly and I strained to hear. "I found something important."

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