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1. This is LGBTQ+ friendly

2. No op characters 

3. Please write more than four sentences. Because it's easier to answer that way 

4. Don't make all your oc. But if you don't contribute the plot of the moving foward and adding your own ideas, while talking about them with me beforehand. There for you have no right to complain that I am making all about my oc. 

5. Your oc must have weaknesses, otherwise it gets boring 

6. Please help me be the other canon characters, because they are too many for me to just to be doing it 

7. Make sure that you write the same amount of sentences for my oc's crush and your ocs 

8. No bullying 

9. Make sure that you sensor your swearing 

10. Take smut pms 

11. Don't control my ocs 

12. I will be your oc's crush and you will my oc's  crush 

Password: What is your favorite Fairy Tail and Black Clover Opening ?

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