Chapter 3

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A lot has happened since Kuma and Osamu-kun showed up together with Chika. We found out who Kuma was here for, Sōichi Mogami, otherwise known as mine and Jin-ni's mentor. When we explained the situation to him, Kuma was kind of lost and didn't know what to do next. We were told in more detail why he was here and I have to say that the reason is kind of heart breaking. Kuma ended up deciding to stay and help Chika in her quest to find and rescue her brother and friend.

Karasuma-kun, Reiji-kun and Konami-san are back again and all of them have taken one of Tamakoma 2 members under their wing. I would say that it goes alright for all of them, or maybe not so much for Karasuma-kun and Osamu-kun. I would think it is about his lack of trion, a problem karasuma-ku hasn't faced in the same way.

Jin-ni and I also had decided that we would protect Yuma from the rest of border, or more like Jin-ni with his stupid side effect got to know about it and decided to drag me into it. I don't really think they would have needed me though. All they made me do was take out the snipers they had. Sure it made it easier for our sniper to make more moves. Even so it was really boring after that, why take me out if all they wanted me to do was take out some sniper and later look at them while they are having fun of their own. They could at least have let me take on kōhei. He would be a fun challenge. Not that there's much of a chance that I'll lose any way. Later Jin-ni gave away the Kido Fujin trigger to the main border to ensure Yuma's safety, and that the power is evenly distributed throughout border. That the smallest part of border with only ten members shouldn't be stronger in terms of power. I mean come on it's not like we're planning something against them, they really need to chill out.

Anyway the new ranking tournament is coming up, too bad I can't be in it since I don't have a team. I would love to have a team to compete with. It's too boring when I can only compete in the solo tournaments. They're too far apart, that's no fun! How will I be able to train when everybody only wants to train with their team? I mean sure they don't want to spill new combat techniques but they are missing out on experiences.

I scanned my surroundings to find someone who would be able to train with me. Oh, he would be perfect. As I meet his eyes I could see a prominent scowl forming on his face "Oh Kageura-kun, nice to see you here!" I say before he has a chance to walk away. "No" He answers, before I could get to the point, as he turns around. "No?" "Yes no, I can feel the energy dozing off of you and I don't feel like being your little play thing." I fake an offended expression as I walk closer to make sure he doesn't run away. "Come on~, I don't have someone to train with and you probably don't either so please~" I plead to make him agree. "That is your fault for jumping between teams and not establishing bonds with people when you first came here" he says with a know it all tone. "Well that's a little too late now don't you think. And please" "Fine, five rounds no more." "Yay thank you!" I say before running off to one of the rooms where you can get to the battle ground. We set up the match and I telepot over as fast as possible which made me have to wait for him. "Just had to take as long as possible to get here" I say sarcastically before the start signal can be heard and I jump upwards before blocking his manipulated sword. I rush towards him hoping to make him retract his sword and fight me head on. That would be better for me, and more fun. Who wants a sword fight as a long range fight? That's boring. We exchanged a few blows where only one took contact and he didn't even take much damage. We both make some distance between each other to think of the next move.

You rushed towards him but before you could set your plan in action he sent his sword out. "Damn it, oh well plan two it is." was the only thing I muttered before his sword spun around me. I quickly jumped up the second before he tightened it and would have made me become many different parts, fun. We again start to exchange blows until I drop my sword in an attack I was trying to block. I swiftly dodged the sword that came towards me when the lack of resistance came.

That's when I see it. Kageura-kun threw a fast glance at the sword now lying about ten meters away from us. I took my chance and did a kick towards his head, extracting a knife-like trigger sword thingy from my heel right before I made contact. With that I got the first win. "haha, suits you right for trying to cut me as if I was a piece of bread."

Well the matches continued like that for the most part except for the thing that we started talking more during the matches or more like insulting each other but same thing. the matches ended with four to one, I won. "Soooo, you sure you didn't have really fun and want to train a bit more?" I question him as soon as I see him in the lobby outside the simulator. "Yes I'm sure, and didn't I tell you that I had somewhere I needed to be?" He said, sighing before continuing. "Besides I had this irking feeling that you were holding back, and it pisses me off." " Aww, thank you for thinking so highly of me" I smile while putting my hand over my heart to make it seem as if I felt touched by what he said. "Oh come on we both know that if you have gotten everything you have, without having a squad, would mean that you have to be pretty strong." He answered without missing a beat. Welp, that's my cue to leave, I thouged. "Well look at the time I really need to go and uhhh...." I paused to think of an excuse to get out of here. Urgh, why do I need to be so bad at thinking on the spot! "Walk my rabbit, yeah... Bye!" I said before making a one eighty and 'rush walking' away without looking too suspicious which didn't really seem to be working since there were a lot of people throwing glances at me. Oh well.

Thank you if you reed this much. Sorry for not updating for a while but I'm hoping to update more under the summer vacation.

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