Chapter 4

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"Jin-ni, Jin-ni. I called out, trying to stop him from leaving out the door.
"What" answered with a confused look on his face.
"Sooo, how about I help you today? Wouldn't that be nice? Some brother and sister time?" I say trying to sell the idéa.
"Now why would you want to skip school to go do something as boring as patrolling?"
"Eggscuse me?! Boring? It's way more fun than being in school beside there's literally nothing to do."

Guess what, I went with Jin-ni all thanks to my irresistible charm... kind of. Well my suspicion was correct and Jin-ni hasn't told me everything about the current situation. The large-scale attack that they suspected would come was one of them. I didn't really understand why but if I'm being honest I did zone out a bit there. Right now we're out looking for those transmitter neighbors since Jin-ni saw something about them in my future. I would guess that's how they started suspecting the attack.

As we're jumping from rooftop to rooftop I can't stop this feeling that something is watching us. I look to the right to see a faint shadow move behind something. As if on autopilot I stop and turn around to see if what I just saw was something dangerous. I look over to see that Jin is already looking at me, silently communicating that he would back me up if needed. It felt way too long but when I finally reached where I saw the shadow and turned around the corner I was met with what I would guess was the backside of a cafe. There were, on the left side, two bins that were blocking the view of the whole alleyway. I looked back at Jin-ni to do that thing that means I'm going to go forward a bit. Just as I'm about to reach the bins something jumps towards me. It was definitely a trion soldier but I don't remember seeing it before. The behavior kind of reminds me of the trion cats some countries have for protection , kind of. Looking at it now reminded me of a territorial cat, defensive but not attacking, waiting to see what happens.

"Should we kill it or take it with us?"
"You think we could take it with us?"
"Probably, don't know tho"
"Then you know the answer."

Trying to capture it when it now knew we were after it was a whole different thing though it was definitely not built to be captured. Its agility is insane. I have to say that it's pretty hard to try and not laugh at Jin-ni when he fell into the only place that he hasn't had his face on.

"Hey! Don't laugh, you haven't even helped the last ten minutes!"
"How could I when you're flying everywhere? I would just get hit by you." I answer not being able to hold my laughter any longer. While trying to calm down Jin just stares at me with a scowl on his face. When I'm finally successful I walk over to the cat soldier and bend down picking it up.

"How is that possible?!" He nearly screamed. You think he's frustrated? Nah...
"Because I don't let them think of me as a threat."
"Maybe you should come with me next time. You could learn a thing or two." I suggest trying to sell the idea.
" Nah I'm way too important to send away, they can't afford to lose me by sending me away solo like that."

I know he's just joking around but it's also true they send about two to three squads each away mission and then me solo in another ship. I always go the same route every time with the job to seem like I'm from a neighboring country and just traveling around. My mission is to make alliances with the border and find out who is attacking us. It's right now down to three countries. Leoforio, which from what I heard has high technology on trion soldiers, they supposedly fight on them too. Aftokrator, which has the largest military state. It also is supposed to be the god's country. The last suspected country is Liberi, they don't really have that much to go by in terms of earlier battles but I had this strange feeling when I went there as a new possible country for allies.


"So you're telling me that this is a neighbor you two found near a cafe? Outside the forbidden zone?" Chairman Kido asks, raising one of his eyebrows. "What do you believe its use is?" He continues.
"Well, from what I've seen before, their use differs a bit between the different countries. What it's most used for is either protection or spying since that is what it was mainly made for."
"So you're saying that it's a spy."
"Yes, we'll probably. I would guess that they're trying to find people with a lot of trion. Which probably means that they're planning to attack sooner than we thought."
"Well, bring it down to my lab." Kinuta said with his usual frown.

I don't really like him nor do I really have the energy to be nice towards him so I just bow to show respect before picking up the cat cage that the trion soldier was in, and hurrying out of the meeting room. Just then the alarms went off in the whole building along with Sawamura's voice through the speaker.

"There have been numerous gates opened around the city. Prepare to evacuate the civilians to the bunkers underground and to bring down the neighbors. Wait for individual instructions, if not go to evacuate the civilians. I run through border, towards the exit while trying to contact my brother through our mindlink. Trying to know where I'm most needed.

See I made it. The promise was note broken... kind of. I just started school and I already have homework. But I work best under pressure so I hope you will se some more updates. Thank you so much for reading to my two readers <3

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