Meet Me By The Sea

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Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Ti-


A sharp jab of shock and startle runs through Hajime at the loud ring of the bell. He hadn't even realized he was dozing off until now, but now, thanks to the bell, he was wide awake.

He took a few deep breaths, calming his nerves, before he stood up and began gathering his things - those "things" being a singular messenger bag and his notebook. He put the notebook in the bag, so now he only had one thing to carry.

He walked out of the classroom, into the busy hallway. He tensed his shoulders so he wouldn't brush against anyone, and quickly walked through the halls, trying to reach the door so he could leave the building and go back to his dorm. As he was walking, he started thinking of what he was gonna do when he got there. He was tired, so perhaps he should just take a nap? That could mess with his sleep schedule, though.. maybe some homework? Yeah, that'll keep him busy enough until he can sleep.. wait, what were his homework assignments again?-

As he slowly became lost in thought, a sudden hand on his shoulder stopped his pace and held him back.

"Hey, Hajime!"

Hajime's brows raised as he turned his head, looking at whoever stopped him.

"Oh, Kazuichi. Hey, man." He turned to face his mechanic friend, still slightly tense from the sudden stop. "Do you need something?"

At that sentence, Hajime noticed Kazuichi tense as well, an awkward smile on his face as he glanced around at the crowd around them. Nervous sweat started to gather at his temple, and Hajime was starting to get suspicious.

"Uhh.. Yeah, so.. L-Look, man, I can't say it here! There's too many people, can we just.. Meet up somewhere later?" Kazuichi asked, his voice hushed slightly. Hajime was even more suspicious now..

"Uh.. Sure? Where do you wanna meet? What time? Right now, or..?" Hajime asked, pointing over his shoulder to the big entrance doors at the end of the hall.

Kazuichi shook his head. "Not right now, I got some stuff to do first! Uh.. what place, what place.." He mumbled quietly as he thought, before he perked up "Oh! You know the beach, just outside of town? Lets meet there at, uh.. How about 7? Can you do 7?"

Hajime flinched, his eyes widening slightly "PM? Why so late? What's so important that I have to meet you, not only outside of town, but also at 7 PM?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

Kazuichi let out some sort of groan, clearly not appreciating the interrogation. There was a blush on his face as well, making Hajime really question what Kazuichi wanted to talk about.

"C'mon, Hajime! Can you just do it? A bus ride to the beach doesn't take that long! And 7 PM isn't that late! What are you, an old lady?" Hajime rolled his eyes at that statement. "Please, dude?"

After a few seconds of thinking and considering, Hajime let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay, Kazuichi.. I'll meet you at 7."

Immediately, Kazuichi perked up and smiled brightly. "Awesome!" He yanked Hajime in for a hug, embarrassing him in front of the few lingering students left. "Thanks, Hajime!"

"H-Hey! Is this really necessary?" Hajime asked as he struggled half-heartedly, trying to subtly push him away. Luckily, Kazuichi seemed to get the idea, and pulled away. However, he didn't seem very apologetic as he ran off, waving at Hajime and thanking him again.

Hajime just sighed and stood up straight, fixing his tie, before he turned and began walking towards the doors, shaking his head slightly as he thought over the decision he just made.

Lessons In Humanity (Komahina Mermaid AU) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now