Boy In The Water

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Kazuichi was right, they arrived 17 minutes early to the party. However, they were pretty much done setting up. Once they arrived, Peko helped again with Kazuichi bringing the floats and such, while Fuyuhiko and Hajime carried their bags for them.

Once they stepped down the stairs onto the beach, they immediately noticed the large tables of food over by the party patio (a wooden patio specifically made for beach parties). Sonia, Mahiru, and Teruteru were standing at the tables, adjusting everything, making sure it was perfect, Hiyoko and Mikan were setting up some decorations, and Ibuki and Gundham greeted the group as they walked over.

"GYAH! Wowzers, guys! You brought pool stuff!!" Ibuki smiled widely.

Kazuichi smiled too. "Yep! Akane and Nekomaru are gonna bring a volleyball net, so we can play volleyball."

Ibuki practically squealed with joy, running over to the others at the patio to share the news.

Gundham walked up to Kazuichi, and reached out. "You are carrying quite the load. Give some to me, lest you don't drop the entertainment." He stared down at Kazuichi, who seemed shocked Gundham would offer such a thing. It was true, though, Kazuichi was carrying more than Peko, and several things were threatening to fall out of his arms. However, Kazuichi shook his head.

"U-Uh, it's fine, I got it-"

He was cut off by Gundham. "I said, give some to me." He didn't wait for Kazuichi to respond and instead took matters into his own hands, taking some of the floats and noodles away from Kazuichi. He turned around and began walking to the patio, Peko following, along with Fuyuhiko and Chiaki. Hajime stayed behind, staring at a frozen, pink-cheeked Kazuichi.

Hajime raised a brow, staring at Kazuichi, before looking back at Gundham, then back at Kazuichi.

Suddenly. It all clicked.

Hajime couldn't contain his gasp, and that snapped Kazuichi out of his flustered state. He snapped his head over to look at Hajime, who was wide eyed and slack jawed, though that expression soon turned to a cheeky smile.

"No way."

"S-Shut up!"

"No fucking way dude-"

"Stop! Don't say anything!-"

"You like Gundham??-"

"SSHHHHH! Not so loud!"

"Oh my God-"

Hajime covered his mouth, holding in the shocked laughter. Kazuichi turned red, and quickly whacked Hajime with the remaining pool noodle, before stomping off towards the patio. Hajime just laughed and caught up with him.

"How long have you liked him?? How did you figure out?-" Hajime prodded.

Kazuichi shook his head "Shut it! I'm not telling you anything right now!"

"Later then?" Hajime asked with a hopeful gaze.

Kazuichi let out an exasperated groan. "F-Fine! Just, keep your mouth shut while we're here..!"

Hajime nodded. "Yup, got it, won't say a word."

They walked up to the patio, and Sonia came up to Kazuichi with a smile. "Kazuichi! Thank you for bringing these! This will increase the entertainment for the party!"

Kazuichi avoided her gaze and put everything down, mumbling a quiet "yeah sure you're welcome Miss Sonia.." before walking away to sit down at one of the tables.

Sonia tilted her head "Is something wrong with Kazuichi? He seems to be upset.." She frowned. Hajime shook his head.

"Don't worry, he's fine. I think he's just embarrassed." He smirked.

Lessons In Humanity (Komahina Mermaid AU) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now