Chapter 2

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Personally I hate waiting so we're just gonna skip to when there all in the common room.

James pov:

I was in the common room talking and flirting with Lily, my one and only true love, when I saw something unusual.

Padfoot was nervous? Unsure? Skeptical? I don't know. But all I know is that something is wrong with him and it's not good.

"Hey padfoot can I talk to you alone in our dorm? Alone?" He looked at me confused but said "yeah sure I guess"

before I left I nodded at Moony and he left the common room for the transformation then we both stood up and made it to our dorm room.

"What's wrong Prongs? Is everything okay?". " I should be asking you that padfoot. What happened? You know you can tell me anything." I give he a look and he sighs.

"Look I did something bad like really bad and I need your help" By now I'm more worried but I nod at him telling him to continue.

" I told Snape where Remus would be" " you WHAT?? Do you know how fucking dangerous that is? Snape could fucking die!!"

"I know I know at the time I wasn't thinking but I need your help to save him please"

"okay I'll help you but we have to be quick. You transform into the dog and come with me, then when we get there

I'll tell Snape to hop on my back when I transform and then get him out of there. While I'm doing that you come up with something to distract Remus. That's the plan okay?"

"Yes I'll transform right now" once padfoot transformed we were off.

Once we were there we saw Snape creeping up to the shack.

We started run faster and tried to stop Snape as soon as possible but it was already to late.

He opened the door and we ran faster until we were right next to him. "Snape I don't like you but I'm. It gonna let you risk your life, we need to leave NOW"

"No why would I?" "Snape this is serious you could seriously lose your life"

then we heard a Howl and saw Moony walking out the towards the entrance of the shack with wormtail on top of him.

Then both looked calm before he noticed us and growled and getting in the position to lunge at us.

Remus was gone now, it was just the werewolf "Snape seriously now we need to run" then I took his arm a dragged him back to the castle.

I heard The werewolf footsteps until I saw padfoot pushing Remus with all of his power.

We looked at each other and then he nodded at me and I ran faster.

Sirius pov:
I looked at James while trying my best to push Remus back. I nodded at him and then he ran faster.

Once he was out of sight I assumed that he went back to the castle.

Remus calmed down and looked down finally noticing me and the calmness returned into his eyes.

He took a deep breath and backed away from me.

I know he looked calm but inside he was furious. Why? Because why was Snape even near the shrieking shack but he knew he would find that answer soon.

"The Prank" Marauders era Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang