Chapter One: Coffee Break

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Vanessa's head was pounding again. The pressure in her skull's throbbing in time with the obnoxious kiddie music playing over the loudspeakers. She groaned, stumbling her way through crowds of rowdy children.

Someone spilled a pitcher of soda as she passed. "Hey!" They shouted. "Aren't you supposed to clean this up?" She doesn't stop, doesn't look back, hardly even hears the undoubtedly colorful complaints hurled at her retreating back.

The music on the ground level isn't much better, still loud and slightly distorted due to a broken speaker that corporate has yet to replace, but the lobby is less crowded. She saw a family of four strolling alongside the water fountain, a mother, father, daughter, and son. The perfect American family. The boy balanced on the ledge of the fountain, a smug, toothy grin plastered on his face. She passed them, gritting her teeth.

Vanessa put her security badge up to the turnstile sensor. It thought for a moment, as if considering never letting her go.

God, wouldn't that be a nightmare?

This part of the lobby was nearly always empty, minus the early morning and nightly rushes, of course. There was less security here for that very reason, less cameras and S.T.A.F.F. bots as well. It was the only exit she could feasibly sneak out of for a quick coffee run.

She's half-way out the door, almost to freedom, almost to her designated, daily break. Would she get fired if corporate caught onto her misuse of company time?


Did she care?

Also, yes, she actually really needs this job. Rent has been steadily increasing each month, along with everything else, and Vanessa was already struggling to keep up with payments. Her landlord wasn't the forgiving type either, more of a slumlord than anything really.

But the temptation of fresh air away from all the screaming and yelling was too much to resist. Besides, she reasons, it was really the company's fault for overworking her.


So far...

She slowly turned to face Luis, trying to keep any semblance of guilt off her face.

Luis and her had gotten hired on the same day. They sat in the waiting area together, awaiting an interview for vastly different positions. Him in the technical department, and her in security. She hadn't the slightest bit of experience, having only "game tester" and "babysitter" on her resume, but for some odd reason it had been Luis who was all sweaty and shaky and full of nerves, despite being an MIT graduate and a much better asset to the company.

"Hey, Luis," she said, leaning against the sliding glass door, and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hey...? Um, listen, I just wanted to ask if you were doing alright?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "'ve been acting differently." Vanessa narrowed her eyes and let out a little indignant huff, so he quickly added, "not in a bad way. I mean, I'm just concerned. We used to hang out after work all the time, and now...." he trailed off, smiling sadly. "And I understand if you want space, or whatever. You do you. But I'm just worried about you."

"Luis, I'm fine," she laughed but it came out sounding forced.

He frowned, opening his mouth to speak.

"I promise," Vanessa said, cutting him off.

"Okay." Luis patted her on the arm. The movement was enough to trigger the sensors conveniently placed on the wall for shorter and wheelchair bound patrons to navigate the sliding doors more easily.

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