Chapter 12

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I had only encountered Bakugou a few times after our latest rendezvous, our interactions often cut short or kept sweet and simple. It's not that we were avoiding each other, in fact I had made many attempts to have civil conversation with the guy. He also wasn't grasping at any opportunity to get out of talking with me, it just so happened that he was pulled aside by All Might every time we were alone for more than a few minutes. A frustrating nagging part of my brain feared that he regretted what we did, despite his parting words. But Bakugou was nothing if not a man of his word; so I put those doubts aside, deciding I'd trust everything was well and good between us. 

It has been a month since I had seeked refuge here at U.A. In that short time period, I had made friends, kissed someone, threatened students, made myself an enemy to an array of pro-heros, and grew in ways I wouldn't have thought possible a few months ago. Yet, after an eventful couple of weeks, I find myself slouching in the living room, rotting away and immensely bored. 

After being denied access to all gyms, training grounds, and physical activity stations, I was officially rendered useless. Occasionally, I'd join Momo's after school study sessions, but that was nothing exciting or enticing. So here I was, bored out of my mind.

With my current state of mind, I'm sure a moth getting trapped in a hornets nest would interest me; but Izuku and Bakugou coming out of All Mights office appeared much more riveting. 

"Remember to keep this a secret, Kacchan. Not even Sunako can know." Izuku's voice comes wafting into the hall, his soft whispers muffled but distinguishable. 

"Why would I share this with Sunako?" Bakugou answers, whisper yelling. 

"You two are close are you not? Anyways, it doesn't matter, just please don't tell." 

Tell me what? What secret are they keeping that even Izuku fears me knowing? 

As the two enter the living room, Izuku tenses slightly when he sees me sprawled across the couch, Bakugou's body language remains neutral. 

"Midoriya and Katsuki, what a pleasant surprise. What are you two up to, together and not clawing at each other's throats?" I smile up at them, masking oblivion to the snippets of their conversation I had heard. 

Izuku recovers and walks over to where I'm laying, sitting on the couch opposite to me. Bakugou's already begun walking to his dorm, but he looks over at me from the corner of his eye when I meet his with mine. That split second of recognition ignites a strange burst of fire in my chest, but I quickly dwell it with a small cough, demanding Izuku's attention. 

"Kacchan and I were discussing the upcoming sports festival with All Might, he had some...topics he needed to address regarding the limitations to our quirk use. Since our powers are slightly more powerful than the others, he simply wanted to ensure we don't excrete that much energy." 

It wasn't an unbelievable explanation, but I didn't buy it. Not all of it. 

"Wouldn't that conversation be relevant to Todoroki as well? I'd consider him to have one of the most diverse and dangerous set of attacks." I quirked a brow, indifference settling into my mask.

Izuku gulped and his fingers tightened around each other, a slight reaction, but enough to know that I had stumped him. 

"All Might had confided in Todoroki privately, Kacchan and I just happened to be at the same place at the same time." 

"Two birds with one stone. I see." There was something more to Izuku Midoriya, and if I asked the right questions I'm sure I could unravel this secret he's hoarding.

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