Dare 13

413 17 3

melavsvs:I dare Foxy to date Mangle
Foxy:it be fine with me I 'ave wanted to ask the lass to go out with me for a long time
Official translator: it's ok with me I have wanted to ask Mangle to date for a long time
Foxy: so do I need a ring or ...
Me:just go up to her ask her on a date and if it's successful ask to date her
Foxy:*goes up to Mangle*hi lass
Mangle:hi foxy!
Foxy:so...do ye want to go out tonight?
Mangle:omg yes! Wait what about the night guard?
Foxy:Paige got it under control
*I'm partying in the office as Foxy is saying that*
Mangle:oh ok but are you sure she won't get in trouble
*police come up and give my a fine for partying too loudly*
Foxy:thy lass'll be fine
*i refuse to pay fine and get arrested*
Mike:Foxy where's Paige!?
Foxy:in thy office
Mike:no she's not! And I have something for her she needs to see!
*i play harmonica in jail sad style*
*everyone expect me runs around looking for me*
Jeremy:I can't find her anywhere
Bonbon:her emergency note!
*bonbon pulls note out of a empty pie tray*
Bonbon:*reads note* this is my emergency note. If you are reading this you can't find me anywhere. I'm either in jail or hiding in my closet
BB and JJ:that's how she always wins hide and seek
Bonbon:well she's probably in jail
Chica:who wants to bust in there and bust her back out?
*all the boys put their hands up*
Chica:well I'll choose Freddy you'll go for strength. Bonnie you'll go because you know her better than any other males. Bonbon you'll go because you two are best friends and CC will go to charm the guards to distract them.
Chica:mike look after every thing else
(The break out will be next chapter)

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