Seed Of Doubt

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As the cell door squeaks open, you get a quick tingle in the back of your head to make a run for it. Despite not even knowing exactly where you are. You're guessing maybe a secret Dark Core hide-out of some sort. Surely, they have those. The pain in your chest still lingers, odds of you overpowering Sabine in this state is not likely. You don't get a moment more to think before Sabine slaps a pair of shackles on your wrist. Ah, perhaps you should have paid more attention.

"Do you really think I will try to run?" you raise an eyebrow.

"'I'm not stupid. I could see the thought cross your mind." Sabine looks down at you "You really don't want to try anything. The chance of me wiping your existence off the face of Jorvik is still very much present" and she is dead serious.

Ugh, why does that make you smirk? Like, if anyone were to kill you, by all means it 1000% can be her. No, not now. You mentally shake the thought. "So... the proposition?"

Sabine saw the smirk, nothing got past her, but chose to ignore it. "Right, come on. We'll discuss it with the others."

She holds the chain to your shackles and leads you through winding halls. With every turn, you get dizzy, and you could probably guess there was a spell cast to aid in the disorientation. Knowing that, there was no way you would have gotten out of there without being caught, especially if all the Dark Riders were there.

You spare a glance at Sabine. She was walking just ahead of you with confident strides. Not too fast to where you were being dragged. Her muscled arms... Your mind wanders off as your gaze falls onto the symbol on the back of her vest. Why was she so confusing? One minute you have a glimpse of a friendship. Like at the Equestrian Festival. You had fun chasing her around Jarlaheim and causing a bit of chaos per her suggestion. She even shared her thoughts, which honestly, you agreed with. Jorvik is a dark place, but everyone would rather pretend it's not. Sadly, that glimpse of a friendship was all ruined with the whole firework debacle. Sabine got pissed and galloped off on Khaan, while your so-called friends patronized you about trying to befriend her in the first place. And now here you are again, with her offering a proposition instead of just killing you.

That train of thought was maybe over the span of a few minutes, cause not before too long Sabine stops in front of a door. "Here we are." She opens the door and walks in with you. Katja and Jay were just chilling in what looked to be a living room. It was almost too normal to be comfortable.

Jay laughs at the sight of you "awww Sabine, I love your new dog. Does she know any tricks?" yeah, they were still salty about you beating them at their own game.
"Hush. This is not the time for your petty taunts". Jay's snickering was hushed at Sabine's command. "It seems our little star of Jorvik is having a hard time."

"And we care why exactly?" Katja's eerie tone never fails to give you chills. That girl is scary in more ways than one.

"Don't you see? This could be our chance. We still don't have our fourth rider... not sure when she'll be freed honestly, but y/n here," Sabine sets the chain down and puts her foot on it. Then she moves you in front of her, hands placed on your shoulders. Yeah, you can feel your cheeks burning. Alas, you need to stay focused. "Could be our secret weapon."

Katja and Jay stare blankly at Sabine. Jay speaks up "are you feeling, ok? You do know y/n can't stay bad. She's too brainwashed by those pathetic Keepers of Aideen led by a silly blue squirrel."

You clear your throat "Listen, I have my doubts. There are some things that have happened and or were said that made me question everything. I'm not even capable of using the full extent of my powers, because if I were able to, and no offense, I could have ended you all a long time ago. At least that's my suspicion. I can wield all four abilities, yet I barely know how to use them" Sabine squeezes your shoulder. Any harder, and you might make a sound you'd regret instantly.
"And now since I was left behind, I'm doubting the others are even my friends. We're supposed to be a sisterhood, yet they abandoned me during a dire situation." you look at the two Dark Riders, not knowing what to expect.

Jay is slightly more intrigued now and Katja looks like she would still rather just freeze you to death.

Sabine lets out an impatient sigh, "so here's the proposition. You can go back to your so-called friends. Try to stick out the shit show you get dragged into. We'll be enemies, duke it out from time to time. Whatever. But if you want to break free of what's expected of you and want to come to the dark side. We will let you join us."

"We'll what?!" Katja and Jay say in unison. You could have sworn you heard their jaws hit the floor. Or maybe that was just your heart beating in your ears. Who knows.

Sabine let go of your shoulders and spun you around. Looking down at you, she sees your own surprise at her offer. You add a little sass to your tone "I thought you said I wasn't good enough to ride beside you?." shooting back her words she said to you at the festival.

Her scarred lip twitched. She remembers. "I'm going to be perfectly blunt with you. You're more valuable to us alive, than you are dead. With you on our side, we'd be unstoppable" by now both Katja and Jay have stopped paying attention, nor do they care at this point.

"So, you'll use me too?" You tilt your head. You need to tread carefully with your tone. She flicks your forehead. Hard. "Ow, was that necessary?" you can't exactly rub the spot that now stings.

"Don't give me sass. I'm making you an offer. Unless you really do want me to kill you instead."

Don't tempt me with a good time. You think to yourself "No ma'am. Sorry. I'll consider your offer."

"Perfect. Oh, and I'll be keeping an eye on you from now on" Sabine winks and frees you of your shackles.

You don't get a chance to say more as the next thing you know, you're on the floor of your stable. You can hear your Guardian Horse whinny as you promptly pass out again.

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