Chapter 19

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Mellissa POV

I laid in bed with Bobby next sleeping next to me,i thought about Andrew would say if he was here. He would've taken one look at me and told me to get up and fix myself up and look after the kids. Ahh the kids, My beautiful children. They were all that was left of Andrew, if it hadn't been for them i would've stopped my own life years ago, they kept me going and they didn't even know it. I still remember the day Andrew left us


We walked to the field and Andrew was holding - well gripping my hand so i wouldn't even stumble. I looked down and looked at my massive belly, i'd just found out it was twins - a boy and a girl. Andrew was more excited than me, he had already made everything the day i told him i was pregnant and now he knew it was twins he was just on another level of ecstasy.

"STOP!" Andrew yelled.

I immediately froze and he reached down and removed a few twigs from in front of me, i rolled my eyes and glared at him but he was too busy staring at my stomach.

"My face is here" i mumbled and he looked up, He could tell i was annoyed so he cupped my face and leaned in. The second his lips touched mine i kissed back with so much passion he moved back abit. There was a rumble in the bush and Andrew pulled back, he gripped my hand and pulled me behind me.

"Show yourself" he commanded and a wolf came limping out, it's legs were twisted and there was branch sticking through its body. The wolf let out a whine and dropped to the ground i could hear its last breaths and its eyes closed. Andrew immediately started pulling me back towards the pack house but we had only moved a few steps when a vampire came out of the other side of the field and noticed us, a smile playes onto their face.

Andrew stopped and looked at me and back at the vampire, then he leaned in and gave me a kiss that felt so - so final. He looked deep into my eyes and said "go back to the house, i love you." I was gobsmacked, what was he going to do, i tried reaching into his mind but he had already contructed a wall. "Please go" he pleaded and i nodded and started rushing back, i moved through the forest as quick as possible and i could start to see the pack house.

I started shouting for help and a few people came rushing to help, "Andrew's in the forest with a v-vampire" i gasped out, One of them looked at me and nodded to the others.

"Go inside Mel" he said quickly and they all ran into the forest shifiting as they jumped into the trees. I walked up the stairs when i suddenly felt a hand reach in and pull my heart out. I looked down but nothing was there, i fell forward and started seeing black dots in my surroundings.

If nothing was here, then - No

Before i fell i realised my life was over, My reason for existing had left, My love, My Andrew.


Tears began running down my cheeks and i heard someone start walking up the stairs, i increased my grip on Bobby but i recognised the sound. It was Chase's footsteps so i'm guessing Iris was here too. Thinking about them two brought a smile on my face. Both of my children had found their other halfs, there lives were complete now. Holly the loud mouth had Zack the quiet one and Chase the "bad boy" had Iris the good girl, thinking about how cliched it was made me chuckle and Bobby woke up.

He rubbed his puffy eyes and looked at me, "Granny" i looked down and smiled. He looked at me and he looked just like Jim except his eyes he had his mother's eyes.

"Yes Honey, What's wrong?" i asked as his eyes started turning teary, but i already knew what was wrong. He missed his parents.

"Is Aunty Iris here" he whispered, I thought about it. Should i interrupt them but i knew it was what Bobby needed right now. She was his substitute mother. I nodded and released him, pointing at the wall so he knew they were Chase's room. As he was walking my thoughts went to Andrew again, how he would've laughed if he had seen me dance, or how he used to let me cuddle him when it was cold, How he would kiss me.

I felt a gush of wind and looked at the window, which was open. I hadn't left the op-

A cold hand closed over my mouth and a pair of blood-red eyes bore into mine, I recognised the face. I used to have nightmares about this face, It was him. The one that killed Andrew.

"Get ready to meet your husband" he snarled and i felt two fangs pierce my mouth and i screamed as loud as possible. The sound was muffled by his hand and i bit him causing him to pull his hand off, I screamed loudly and i saw my vison start to blur.

The door banged open and Chase ran in, the vampire sliced his hand over my throat causing deept cuts and blood began soaking the bed, Chase lunged at it but it flew straight out of the window. He came over and gripped my hand, tears streaming out of his eyes.

"Mu- Mum, Do-Dont worry, It-" he gulped back and tears kept pouring out.

"Shh Honey, I love you and your siste, tell her. Look after" I gasped as pain filled my heart as it started pumping slower "Bobby and Iris Ok?" I looked deep into his eyes and i saw him nod as he cried.

Iris walked in, with Bobby hiding behind her leg. She took one look at me and grabbed a phone probably to call ambulance. "No" i said and she looked at me "Look after Chase" i said and i started to see another form taking shape next to me.

His legs came first, then his body and lastly his face. Andrew.

He smiled at me and held out his hand "I've been waiting, Are you ready my love?" he asked. His voice gave me courage and i raised my hand taking his rough hand in mine.

"Yes" i whispered and my eyes closed for the last time.



Sorry there was no Chase and Iris thing today but this has a massive impact on the next chapter.

I'm sorry it wasn't long enough but this was all i could write in the free time i have.


If i get 100 votes i WILL reveal a preview of the chapter down on the comments =D


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Your my mate? Listen Your my Best friends brother, your a jerk and I HATE YOU!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora