Episode 7: Way Back Warners/MasterClax: Pt. 3/Gnome: Mech

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Warners and Gigi: High-octane-y! (Shows them all riding on a fancy souped-up hot rod with a Zack Snyder-styled explosion behind them.)


Way Back Warners: Yakko, Gigi, and Dot try out Wakko's time-traveling microwave idea again. Only to end up back where their 22-year return all began, with no way of getting back to 2023!

MasterClax: Pt. 3: Pinky tries to counteract the MasterClax trance with his own, causing Brain to now only think of...eating no-bake cheesecakes. Hold on to your apron, Pinky!

The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths: Construction Mech: The gnome has had enough of life itself, and threatens to destroy Earth with a construction mech...but not til the mech brutally kills him, never letting him see the light of day again. Booyah!
Warners: It's time for Animaniacs!
And we're zany to the max!
So just sit back and relax.
You'll laugh 'til you collapse!
We're Animaniacs!
Yakko and Wakko: Come join the Warner brothers,
Dot: And the Warner sister, Dot!
Warners: Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot.
They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught!
But we break loose, and then vamoose,
And now you know the plot!
We're Animaniacs!
Dot has wit, and Yakko yaks.
Wakko packs away the snacks.
Gigi Soda plays the sax!
We're Animaniacs!
Meet Pinky and the Brain, who want to rule the universe!
An angry gnome in people's mouths who'd often cuss and curse!
Cindy plays with Starbox, and Nora gets a verse!
This season's gonna be so great, the nerds are gonna burst!
Warners, Pinky, and Brain: We're Animaniacs!
You should see our new contracts.
Warners: We're zany to the max!
There's baloney in our slacks!
Warners, Pinky, and Brain: We're animanie!
Totally insane-y!
Warners and Gigi: High octane-y!
Warners, Pinky, and Brain: An-i-man-i-acs!
Those are the facts!

Animaniacs (2020): Season 4!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora