Teaser (ZORT!)

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After that meteor hit, the Warners were unharmed.

But what if...

They did one...



The new CEO, Dylan Demando, smacks a contract written "APPROVED" onto his desk.

Dylan: Congrats, Warners, Pinky, and Brain! You've just earned yourself one last season of 10 new episodes!

The Warners, Pinky, and Brain all cheer!

Warners: YES! Wooo!!

Pinky: Hooray! Isn't this exciting, Brain?

Brain: Maybe, Pinky. Maybe.

Pinky: Let's go get some pizzas! Woo-hoo! WHOA—

Pinky slips up off the desk, crashing into something offscreen. Cut to the end of this season's brand-new intro, with Pinky and Brain joining the Warners at the "animanie, totally insane-y" part.

Warners: We're animanie!
Totally insane-y!

Animaniacs (2020): Season 4

Pinky: Are you alright, Brain?
Brain: Yes, unfortunately. Now come, Pinky. We must prepare for tomorrow night!
Pinky: Why, Brain? What are we going to do tomorrow night?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

A montage of all the random things that'll happen this season (like at the end of the Season 3 trailer) is shown, before cutting back to the duo.

Brain: TRY TO—
Pinky: —take over the world! That's what you always say! Honestly, can't you think of anything more witty or different to end this teaser on, Brain?
Brain: (utterly shocked)...Pinky?
Pinky: What? (blinks twice and looks to the camera) To be honest, the audience was demanding it.


Warners: Those are the facts!

Only on Wattpad!

Yakko: Goodnight, everybody!

Animaniacs (2020): Season 4!Where stories live. Discover now