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trigger warnings— none


THE SMELL of beer lingered around the Curtis home as the television echoed from the back, the sound of Keith Matthews, as known as Two-Bit Matthews, and Steve rough housing.

"Quit it won't you?" Ponyboy Curtis snapped at the two, his eyes glued to the book between his hands as Johnny sat besides him, his stare stuck on the television.
Soda sighed, leaning into the table as he fiddled with the book.

Darry Curtis took immediate notice, sitting down across from him. "Animal Farm? Thought you didn't like readin' huh?" He sipped his coffee, the newspaper flat on the table with crinkled edges.

"Some Soc girl left her bo—"
"Soc girl?" Darry raised an eyebrow as Soda nodded, "yeah didn't I just say 'Soc gir—"

"Soda you better not have stolen it from her, you'll have them on us and we don't wanna ris—"
"She left it!" Soda defended with a groan as Darry pointed a firm finger at him.
"Shut your tramp and listen, if it's stolen give it back. If she lost it, give it back end of story."

Soda huffed with a chuckle, stifling a laugh whenever Darry would get angry; Darry's face would grow red as his lips pouted with a childish frown.
"I needa' walk real quick."


The moon glistened as the stars twinkled above the playground where Grace was found. Her crossed legs as they dangled as she sat on top of the monkeys bars, her blonde curled hair slicked back into a ponytail.

Her pencil stiffened against the paper, writing her heart out. Her sigh brief as she closed the journal, her hands gripping the metal bars which were cold against her palms.

Looking up, she felt her heart accelerate at the sight of a figure, most likely a boy. Gulping as she hopped off from the monkeys bars, landing with a huff as she snatched her journal.

"Hey, you!" The familiar voice hollered from behind as Grace began to hastily make her way across the park, holding the journal close to her chest.
"Hey! Wait up!"

"Sorry but I want no trouble t'night," she cleared her throat as she heard the footsteps approach even closer with each crunch. "No, wait! Miss, you left your book at the DX!"

Grace abruptly stopped in her tracks, slowly turning around as a soft gasp left her lips. Her eyes snapped onto the boy, the smile of a movie star boy, the boy with grease in his hair; The Greaser Boy.

"It's you." She whispered, she gulped as she simply blinked; the two perfectly still.
"It's me," he gave her a subtle grin as he seemed strangely relieved to find her.

Soda cleared his throat, lifting the book, "I read a bit...it's good. I'd like to read more of her books." He smiled, his eyes sparkling as Grace straightened her posture.
"You...liked it?" Her eyes softened as she stepped closer, the edge of her mouth curling into a tender smile.

Soda nodded yes, "do you happen to know who wrote it? It had no author name strangely."
"...I wrote it," Grace answered with a slight tremble in her voice as Soda's brows lifted high with an 'o' in his mouth.

Grace's expression dropped suddenly with a faint frown, "was it terrible or?—"
"No, no! In fact it was the opposite!" Soda cleared his throat, holding the book between his hands. "It was quite...beautifully depressing." He clarified with a chuckle that flawlessly came out.

Grace nodded, showing him her journal with a smile. "I'm also writing in this one, I actually finished it a few moments ago..." she shyly admitted as she kicked a rock, Soda leaned his elbow onto the top of the slide.

Grace nodded, "mhm." She hummed, she couldn't even snap out of it, she couldn't believe it, 'I'm at the park at midnight with a Greaser...wow.'

Soda clicked his tongue, "I'll give you this book if I get to read that one," he pointed towards the one between her hands, "tonight. I'll give it back spick and span once I'm done."

Grace raised an eyebrow, clenching her jaw as she thought for a moment; tapping her chin. "I dunno 'bout that."

Soda groaned under his breath, "c'mon, I swear on Steve's cancer sticks that I'll get it back to ya.'" He flashed a smile, patiently waiting as he tapped his foot.

Grace sighed, "fine." The two swapped books as Grace smiled, Soda's fingers brushed softly against Grace's cold hand. Grace pulled back immediately, "uh...I have to go home, wouldn't want anyone to see me with..."

"A Greaser? Good idea," Soda gave her a brief sharp glare before he shrugged it off. Grace shrugged, shuffling back as she held the book closer to her chest; hearing Soda's footsteps faintly go away.

That night, Grace was blushing beet red the whole way home. The thought of him touching her book only made her grip it tighter in anticipation from holding back from him.


The crickets echoed as the owls hooted, Ponyboy softly snored into his sleep as a singular lamp besides Soda dimmed the room.

Soda's focus on the book only grew more within each drastically tragic page, his heart thumping rapidly against his chest. Soda couldn't help but question how could a Soc girl who was infamous for her looks and perfection could be such a wonderful writer for such depressing topics.

Soda only wished for more books, going to bed and praying that night that she had a whole shelf waiting for him to read.

And that was the night Soda met Grace, the night a Soc and a Greaser exchanged a deal. The night a new hell would begin for the town of Tulsa.



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