'°♡Fake Love♡°'

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°•☆I wish love was perfect as love it self, I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden☆•°
~Fake Love~ BTS


Her hands were crimson red, covered with blood like a second skin as they shook, the sound of her shallow breathes filled her ears, raising her head slowly, her chest tightened fearing what her eyes would witness.

His head was lying in a lake of blood, his soulless eyes stared right at her horrified ones. Everything stopped, even the oxygen, the only thing that seemed unfazed by what her irises saw was the ringing in her eardrums that increased by the second.


Someone was hitting her head with a hammer, or at least that's how it felt, her throat was drier than a fallen leaf in the Sahara. She tried to move but something was holding her tightly not allowing her to move, and an annoying brightness was trying to compelle her eyelids open.

Brightness more white than a wedding dress slammed into her eyelids making her close them again

'Heaven?' She thought 

*Do you really think they have a place for you there?!* a voice in her head echoed sarcastically

'Good point' she agreed, but then where was she? It seems that her question would get answered soon if the footsteps that approached her weren't hallucinations.

"What if they were trying to kill us though?!" The same voice panicked.

Her eyes snapped open on instinct, her body jolting up or at least trying to forget that it was held down by something. 

Her eyes roamed around her in a hast noting the white walls and the nightstand

She looked down at what was holding it to find that her limbs were tied to the bed by thick robes. 

Instinct kicked her ass again and she struggled against the robes not bothering with the drumming of her heart painfully against her ribcage.

"Hey, hey, calm down now, you don't want to hurt yourself again, do you?" A hand landed on her chest.

She froze, in her haste, she forgot about the footsteps that made her skin crawl.

Her irises moved to the source of the voice she heard, to capture the figure of an old blond lady, with what she was sure was the largest blue eyes to ever exist, a kind smile that made her hand itch was plastered on the woman's perfect pink lips.

"Who the hell are you?" She tried to ask but her throat was too dry to function.

The woman moved to the nightstand with gentle steps and suspicious eyes followed her every move.

She picked a glass of water with a straw and shoved it in the suspicious girl's face.

"You must be thirsty after what happened" the lady, said, her unflattering smile made the tied girl's hand clench with a feeling she couldn't understand.

She was hesitant on whether she should drink the water or not, on one hand, she was dying to do so, on the other hand, it could be poisoned or sedated. 

"But if she wanted to kill us won't she get more creative? We are practically at her mercy, so wouldn't killing us with water be pathetic?!" The voice of reason in her head explained. 

'Ugh, sometimes I hate how right you can be,' the girl thought to herself and took the straw between her lips and sucked on the cold water that quenched her thirst. She felt alive again.

The lady placed the empty glace back on the table and turned to her with the same sweet smile.


The girl narrowed her eyes in confusion, she was lost as to why the woman who kidnapped and tied her was treating her like a daughter, she swallowed hard and ignored her crazy palpitation.

"Now I will untie you but you have to promise not to try anything" 

"Who are you?" She ignored her request.

"Ugh" the lady shook her head  " I forgot that this happens every time" 

The girl frowned, it was her first time seeing the woman, so why did she act like they were old mates?!.

"I'm your nurse Audrey"

"My nurse?" The girl whispered, still lost as to what was happening "I don't even know you, where are we, and why am I tied?"

The woman started to unknot the robes with calmness and grace "you're at Salem Asylum, you've been here for the past six months and as to why you're are tied doctor Camile is better suited to answer that"

"SIX MONTHS!" she exclaimed "what the hell are you talking about ?!" what the woman said made her jump like she just got electrified "I don't even know you, and asylum?" Her breathing fastened, she was terrified not only from what she heard but also because a part of her started to believe her, because she can't seem to remember anything.

"Leave us" she jumped at the new voice, her eyes taking in the new woman that entered the room, her brown hair was pulled up in a tight bun that looked painful even to the girl, the glasses on the bridge of her nose gave her a sense of authority along with her blank brown irises.

The girl jumped at the sound of the door closing to find that the woman from earlier left and closed the door behind her while she was focused on the brown haired woman

"Why don't you take a seat?!" Her velvet voice pierced through your soul and made you want to respond to her every demand with no thoughts, so the girl sat at the edge of the small bed without hesitation.

The woman pulled a chair and sat on it. She noted how nervous the girl was, how she tried to stop her leg from shaking and how her hands kept clenching and unclenching. She also noted how she didn't feel safe as her eyes followed her movements with caution.

The woman smiled fondly at her to assure her "You must have a lot of questions''

The girl nodded faintly " Why am I here? In this asylum!'' Her voice was hoarse and shaky even though she tried to put strength into it.

"Let's not call it an asylum" the woman started "Salem house is a place where we take care of you"

"Take care of me?" The girl frowned, "you keep talking nonsense, I want to contact my family and get the hell out of here". The girl stood up and walked toward the door.

" That, unfortunately, won't be possible " she heard the woman say, but ignored her and attempted to open the door.

It was locked

"What is going on here" the girl's anger was evident in her voice "why am I being kept here?"

"Take a seat so we can talk" the woman ordered but the girl was done with playing obediently

"No, you are going to tell me right now what's going on"

The woman took her glasses off and stood up "On Friday the 13th someone called the police to report murder at Yangon's street when the police went to the  apartment they found the Blake's family murdered and the only suspect was The eldest daughter and boy survivor Nyx Black who was found at the crime scene covered in blood"

The girl froze, the sound of her shallow breathing filled the room and the coldness made her bones weak "N....Nyx Black? That's.."

The woman wore her glasses again and looked at the girl with a blank expression "Your name".


A/N:~ Hey there!
I'm so happy you stumbled upon my book and decided to give it a chance hopefully you enjoyed the first chapter.

Also English isn't my first language, but I try me best 😭

Tell me your thoughts and if you like it please give it a stare, I'd be grateful♥️

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