I Am Savage

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Alen is gone. For the first two days I've sat around with that concept being in my mind. Everything that made me Alen Salvador is now gone. They call me Savage now, the other intelligent ones. If one person would break free because they were reminded of what they once were, then others can too.

I don't get along with them. They call me Savage because of how angry I get so quickly. It's a new personality trait I guess, each of us had something changed about our personality, separating us from our past self. Mine is how angry I get so easily. The slightest thing sets me off now, and that's why they don't like me.

There's four of them, five counting me. Five intelligent Plagues. That's what we decided to call ourselves. We're not infected with the Plague, we are the Plague, at least that's what Range says. I don't understand most of what he says, he's insane really.

The only Plague I get along with is Way. She reminds me a bit of the Plague Doctor, only Way craves violence. I guess that's what we have in common, I cause violence in my anger, and the destruction I cause makes up for the annoyance of having a loud yelling man in your group.

The other two are Deject and Radiant, with Deject always being sad or at least upset with something and often just not doing anything with his day, while Radiant is basically the only one in the group who feels regret killing infected as she sees it as immoral since they were once human too.

While Radiant is kind and tries to get along with all of us, it seems my own anger rubs off of her whenever we talk. She rarely directly talks to me. She has basically become the leader of our group. She constantly tells us how there is other food then infected, but none of us listened. I remember that talk I had with her, trying to explain to her how they are no longer human, but she still hates it.

Range tried to eat my hand once when we couldn't find anymore raccoons one the second day of us being Plagues. That's when Way had the grand plan of eating the Infected for food. That's what we do now, and since no one else will do it, I have to be the one holding Radiant's hand while she struggles to eat infected flesh, gagging the moment it enters her mouth.

I try smiling for her, finding her something that isn't infected or a rare human corpse for her to eat. It's hard, just as hard as my old life, even though this sounds way more simple than my earlier life. All I have to do is help my leader eat her food without outbursting at her, which feels like when I'd be in the coal mines and a guard stands just an inch closer to me.

Deject found books for us to read, although Way doesn't like them. Range ate his, being his same old self of doing the least sane things anyone could think of. I often go with Way to hunt, us being the two hunters of the group. Whenever I don't go with her, I often just watch Deject sleep, or Range rocking back and forth, or Radiant reading since I know I'll eventually be feeding her once Way get back with dinner.

Dinner never goes well for us. Way's plate always ends broken, Range's plate always disappears, Deject uses his plate as a pillow, and Radiant and I are the only civilized ones at the table, except for when I get angry and tear up the one table we have before prompting going out to find my tables and plates.

Way hates that she can't eat until dinner, an idea Radiant came up with so we'd all remain bonded. It reminds me of the day Radiant tried different methods to get me and Way to be less jumpy and be more calm. She gave me a massage that day, reminding me of the Plague Doctor.

To be honest, Radiant sucks at giving massages, yet somehow I always feel better off of them. Maybe it's the memory of the Plague Doctor, or maybe it's Radiant's calm demeanor pooling onto me. I think it may be a mix of both. I'm the only who's changed since this group started, starting off completely violent like Way, but in time I've grown more calm. I guess I owe Radiant.

So much has happened recently that it's hard to imagine only three weeks have passed. I would've seen her a week ago, had I not been drafted. Ever since a week ago I've been staring out at the wall which separates us from our past lives.

The High Command seems to be the only thing that completely diminishes Radiant's cheerful mood. As much as she wishes to be among humans again, that doesn't out way her want to be away from High Command.

Way wants to return so she can kill all of the guards, then go up and find High Command itself. Deject doesn't want to go back there, as it means it'd back to working for him, which he can only do for so long before he's burnt out. Range has never expressed his opinion about going there, or anything relating to society or High Command. He glares at the guards though.

"Savage! Savage! Awaken my vile companion!" Way screamed in my ear, awakening me from my sleep. Radiant had awoken too, though Deject remained fast asleep.

"Why are you so loud? It's the middle of the night!" Radiant says, seeming irritated, for once not from me.
"Humans! Humans! HUMANS! Another helicopter approaches!" Way says, and I immediately bolt up and climb up the side of the building, trying to get a high view. Way follows close behind, Radiant not moving as quickly as we are.

Sure enough, a helicopter is landing just a hundred meters away.
"I don't believe it." Radiant says.
"There hasn't been any humans here since... since us." I say. I look to Radiant, staring into her many eyes as she stares back into mine. We both had the same thought in mind.

They're going to be massacred.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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