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Cora ran into the house, breathing heavily. Her mom got up with a start from her recliner and ran over to her. Cora didn't have her backpack. Cora slammed the front door shut and locked it. She then slid down the door and hyperventilated. Her mom rubbed her arm, asking what was wrong.

"Shots. Shots. School. Shoot. Run." Single word answers was all Cora could muster. But her mom got the message. She then got a text from her friend, Kaylee.

Cora was spaced out though. She couldn't even bear to look at it. Her mom then put her hand over her mouth and showed Cora the message.

It read: "Tom's gone."

Cora read it and suddenly found the energy to run up to her room and slam the door behind her. She took out her softball bat and started to wack things around her room. Breaking photo frames, mirrors, putting a dent in the door. Her final blow was one directly to her light before her mom busted in the door, looking at the now destroyed room as Cora began to crumble down into pieces.

Her screams felt like they could be heard 100 miles away. Her sobs. Devastating. She belts each one with the force of every catastrophe combined.


Her mom didn't even know what to do. Her little girl was broken. She has no clue how to fix her.

Cora squirmed, the weight of the world on her shoulders. No way out. Broken. One of her best friends. Gone.

Gone (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now