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Cora woke up from her accidental nap with her mother not there. It was also dark in the room, sunset turning to twilight. There was a knock on her bedroom door. And it was her mother.

"Come in..."

In came her mom, who turned on Cora's bedside lamp. And beside her were two of Cora's best friends. Kaylee and Caden. Cora sat up slowly. Cora's mom left the room, leaving the three alone.

The three just sat in silence. Not really sure what to say or do. All three of them had this glazed over look in their eyes. Like there was something blocking each of their sightlines toward each other. But then they looked.

They looked at the empty space between Cora and Caden.

"Have a seat Tom! Happy you're feeling better."

"Hey Tom, come sit with us!"

"Tom, that girl is hitting on you oooh."



"Tom! Tom!"


The horrifying noise came from Cora once again. She can't control it. Her friends just look at her, feeling the exact same way as her. That space will never be filled. That was Tom's space.

Cora doesn't know how she'll ever feel better. Kaylee just turns away, trying not to cry, whereas Caden lets a tear roll down his face.

They still haven't said a word to each other. And they never did. Kaylee and Caden's plan was to sleep over anyway, so they both got changed, Cora already in her pajamas.

Cora's mom opened the door, asking if they needed anything. They all just looked at her. No words. But their silence told the story.

They continued to just stare as 1 by 1 they started to fall asleep. Caden first, then Kaylee, then Cora. Their brains were stuck. In shock. No way out. Trapped. Their friend, gone.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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