The Lingerie(Smut and Fluff)

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The Japanese woman was in distress. She had no one to model her newest design and she had already got an order for it. It was a black, lacy MALE lingerie. A one piece and highly revealing. It was a special order by someone, probably a male-stripper. Even though JE was very satisfied with the work, she needed someone for the test. Just then, her sharp cat ears caught the sound of the bell jingling. Someone had come inside the shop. Just then, the receptionist came in. "Mam, three men have requested to see you. The same ones from yesterday. May I send them in?" JE just sighed. These three idiots won't stop bugging her when she's on shift. "Send them in, Natalie. You don't have to ask me to let those three in. They are family." The woman bowed and left. Soon after, three men waltzed in.

They looked very different from eachother, yet they were very close. On the left stood a medium-heighted man, attractive by physique. He had brown hair and emerald green eyes. On the right stood a tall male, muscular and strong. His hair was Burgundy, tied down in a low pony-tail. His eyes were a majestic amber and had a big scar on his left eye. In the middle stood a short man, no more than 5'6.(you better be grateful that I portray you at this height, Third_Reich__. You are short AF.) He had jet black hair, tied up and ocean blue eyes. His outfit was perhaps the best one of the three. He had a small scar on his lower jaw and even though he didn't look very intimidating, you shouldn't push your luck. The japanese held an annoyed expression on her flagged-face. "Why do you have to come here at this time everyday? And that too in your human form? We are in the afterlife, for Christ's sake!" The said men just grinned and transformed into their country forms.

"Es tut mir leid(sorry), Imperial. Its just really funny to see your expression." Remarked the Third Reich, still grinning from ear to ear. JE just sighed and ran a hand through her hair, returning back to her desk. "Empire? What's wrong? You look distressed." Asked Fascist Italy, now worried about his lover. The other two, who were conversing in the back, snapped their attention towards the Italian. "Its nothing, Italia. I just need a model for a new design. Its a special order." FI's eyes twinkled in excitement. "Why don't you give it to Reich? He has worn some of your clothes. I bet it will look awesome!" Japan took that thought into consideration. "Are you up for it, Reich? I am not forcing you to-" The redneck just waved her off. "I'm sure its fine. Italy's right, I don't see why I can't help you." JE smiled, slightly in relief, slightly in panic, because she was dead meat if Reich found out what he is actually going to wear.

She still took him to the changing rooms, handed him a parcel and shut the door, sweat-dropping as she heard the sound of the packet opening. "JAPANESE EMPIRE! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Cue the scramming of a cat-human hybrid. "What's with the scream? And why are you running away?" The woman didn't answer and just hid behind the Union, who looked confused AF. Just then, the door slammed open and out came a wildly blushing, yet livid Third Reich, screaming profanities at JE. What was the strangest part? The black lingerie he was wearing. There was pin-drop silence for a moment as Reich crossed his arms in anger. Soviet was the first to break the silence, laughing heartily. The italian followed suit, while the japanese just gave a nervous smile. "N-not so e-eager to dressup anymore now, huh?" The russian managed to say in between laughs and the german scrambled away to change.

After changing a second time, Reich came out again, still mad. He screamed at JE in every language he knew and she just lowered her head, trying to control her laughter. Soviet had genuinely found Reich's outlet funny, but he can't deny that it turned him on after seeing his boyfriend in that one-piece. After the whole screaming session and Reich swearing to never wear any clothes made by JE from then on, the german-russian duo left. Reich complained about how horrendous the lingerie looked during the whole ride. The USSR put in his remarks here and there, but in the back of his mind, he couldn't forget Reich's body, covered partially in that piece of cloth. He couldn't help but fantasize about Reich wearing that during sex. These thoughts just turned him on even more and he had to cover his crotch with his hand while driving, which thankfully went unnoticed by the german.

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