So Damn Excited!!!

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Jennet's POV

I am so damn excited. Albus promised me that he would come to meet me today and he told me that he was getting a very nice surprise.

I was sitting in my room and just staring on the door and wondering about my surprise when Bella ( Jennet's house elf )
Came in and told me that Albus was here. I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs and gave a very tight hug to Albus.

" Jen I would appreciate that if u sit down on the sofa so I could show u your surprise. " As I sat down Albus handed me a letter which he was hiding underneath his cloak. I gently tore the seal of the letter and discovered a small old fashioned looking letter.

" wow Albus, I would love to go to Hogwarts . But today is 31 august and the term begins on 1 sept. How and from where will I find these items which I will be needing in Hogwarts" .
"Don't worry" was all he said.
"Albus but..." " Jen just go to your room and fetch yourself a good looking traveling cloak and a matching hat ..... we will be going to Diagon Alley."

I did what I was told. And then I took Albus' hand and was swallowed into a very thin pipe. I then hit hard on the floor and was out of breath. "Many people while apparating for the 1st time tend to vomit" he said with a smile.

"Let's go for the wands first. Ollivanders is the best according to me." I was welcomed by a very old looking man that I guessed was ollivander. " I was waiting to meet you Miss umm... Fray." I was waiting to reply but was interrupted by him as he said
" well let's find you a wand." I tried 4 wands but neither of them was suitable for me.

He then gave me a unique looking wand with a curious look on his face and after I gave it a flick he said that I was destined for this wand because of my past.

After this Albus and me headed for the pet shop. While albus was talking to his old friend I was looking around the shop and spotted a blonde headed boy who was continuously staring at me with the smirk on his face. He then came towards me and shook his hand with mine. "Hi I am draco malfoy and even I am going to hogwarts this year. You are jennet fray aren't you my father just told me your name. Seems like both of our fathers are friends. "
He seemed like as if he was flirting with me so I decided to give a sarcastic or you can say a witty answer. So I said- " my father is dead."

I thought I saw a sorry look in his eyes but before he could say something else I said.- let's meet in hogwarts then .

I then went back in my search for a pet and saw a brown colour
Owl with beady eyes and decide to buy him and named him - Oscar.

After this I did the rest of my shopping like buying some cauldrons and my uniform etc.and then Albus decided to take me to a small restaurant to have some food . Now after ordering French fries and soda, a thought occurred in my mind and I said " Albus , how will I return your money that u spent for me?" " it's not my money Jen, before coming to your house I went to gringotts and went to your vault to take out some money.And yes, take these 100 galleons to spend in the train and also take your hogwarts train ticket. Don't lose your ticket Jen . And just remember that to get on your platform you need to go between platform 9 and 10.

I heard my instructions properly and then after eating I apparated to my house with Albus. He then gave me a good bye kiss on my forehead ans left for his work.

I then packed my things in my trunk with Bella's help and waited for tomorrow - my big day when I would make FRIENDS.

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