Chapter 2: Get Off With You

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     "Lay down baby..." Louis moaned softly, tracing down Harry's shoulders which made the lad shiver. "God you look so beautiful like this... And we're doing it in a hospital." Louis laughs shaking his head, Bloody 'ell."

Harry let out a moan, completely naked at the moment and his eyes went to glance at his own body. He didn't feel very attractive. As much as Louis thought he was- the lad wished he believed it.

          "Baby boy, stop overthinking... You're gorgeous. " Louis smirked kissing Harry's chest, licking over his nipple, and humming only softly at the way the bud hardened. "So good for me... Hmm... Why don't you let out your pretty noises?"

Harry was about to convey his thoughts but the moan that had been trapped in his throat finally escaped. "Oh... Fuck daddy," he whined closing his eyes, feeling Louis touch the head of his cock and precum directly dripping onto his belly and he feared breaking the bed.

But that thought was long gone as Louis kissed along his neck lamenting sweet words entering his ears like a beautiful song.

            "My mouth?" Louis's voice awakened his thoughts once again,  however, the blood rushing elsewhere made him incoherent to speak.  "Mm, do you want my fingers- hmm? You want my fingers opening you up and making you feel high?" he smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing. Teasing his baby, was his specialty.

Harry put up an index finger, along with a soft whimper leaving his lips. Louis hums spreading Harry's thighs wide and kissing down them slowly, sure to leave marks as he bit into the skin.

Harry let out an audible 'Ahh' as marks were left all across the lad's skin, and he wondered how much Louis would tease him. This was bugging him because he could easily cum just from the marks alone. His cock blurted out a bead of precum on his belly. "Yeah, baby... So good." Louis says tracing around Harry's hole with the pad of his finger.  "You're gonna cum for me... Just like this, hmm?

Harry nods, his vision going a bit blurry as he felt Louis's mouth on his tip. "Fuck... Louis, oh god. I'm gonna cum now... If you d-don't stop..."

Louis's giggles fill the room, and he tongues at Harry's balls for a moment. "Maybe I want you to cum baby... Go on... It won't be the last time you... Get to..." Watching Harry made him almost intoxicated with want.  He put both of his hands on Harry's thighs ready to rock his world in more ways than one.  He knew Harry's biggest weakness was to be eaten out and that's exactly what he would be doing to him.

As Louis tongues Harry's hole, he felt the lad squirm slightly and whine after whine left his mouth. "Oh god there... I need... Oh...." His thighs were marked up by Louis's nails and he felt them shake every time the wet tongue met with his sensitive hole. "Fuck... Fuck... I'm cumming.... He whines closing his eyes, his back jolting and the coil in his belly tightening. Blob after blob... And he remembered shaking from the stimulation. "Oh..." Harry lets out, voice getting raspy and he took Louis's hand. "That's... Fuck I've never felt anything so good."

Louis smirked kissing over his belly before cleaning him up. Licking his lips after, and his gaze never left Harry. "The things you do to me with your body... Should be illegal."

Harry whimpered, still feeling tingles go up his spine the aftermath of the orgasm making him a bit groggy.

     "Mm you look good babe." Louis moans going to kiss his lips really quick before covering them both with a blanket.

When Harry woke up he overheard the doctor and Louis talking.

     "I'm sorry Louis but... We have to stop the chemo... It's... It's not working anymore. And... It's just going to make you feel miserable." the doctor says with a murmur, afraid the lad might resist like all the other patients did. But at this point what was the use.

He felt his heart sinking to his stomach and it was hard to swallow. "We could let you go home?" he tells with a somewhat smile, realizing Louis was staying quiet. 

Did he want to go home? He eyes glance down to the blanket and he felt like his heart was tearing. Of course, he wanted to go home but... But this news... It meant he wouldn't get to get better, right? Or at least that's what he heard.

       "Could you give us a few minutes?" Harry asked, his gaze going to Louis who looked almost like he had shut down mentally.

The man only nodded his head standing up slowly, and leaving the room the door shutting quietly behind him.

      "Quit it, Harry." Louis says turning away from him almost immediately, his eyes brimmed slightly, "It's too late, there's nothing we can do."

Louis was annoyed, mostly with himself, but also with Harry for treating him so fragile. It was as if he couldn't make decisions on his own.

      "Quit making me the center of attention, quit making me look so damn delicate... It's like one little thing is going to shatter me." he sniffles, crying into his own knees.  "And... Stop... Saying sorry." his crying brought tears to the taller bloke's eyes.

Maybe most of it was Harrys fault it sure did seem that way. Everytime something went wrong, he took the blame.
         "Sorry love." Harry mumbled kissing Lou's shoulder. I love you, I just want the best for you... You know?"

Louis sighs leaning into Harry for support, like he always did when he had nowhere to turn. "Remember when I said I was your superman?" Louis asked in a hiccup.

Harry nodded wrapping his arms around the lad and kissing on top of his feather brown hair. "Course I remember, it was one of the best days of my life. You telling me that gave me such happiness Lou."

Louis smiled through the tears, and cupped Harrys cheek. "I'm not... I'm not your superman anymore am I?" he asked in a weak voice. His head hurting, which was a symptom he hadn't had before.

          "What? Harry lets out his voice breaking slightly, he had never felt so broken, hearing Louis speak such lies.

Louis only shook his head crying on Harrys chest. "Nothing... Forget I said anything. He knew it should have been mentioned. But... He couldn't do this, he couldn't break Harry as he was. And maybe he was a fragile being. Sigh. Maybe he was the issue.

Phew  another chapter is complete, hope you guys are enjoying it so far!! And thank you for reading ~J

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