4- Axl's Dilemma

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Axl getting immediately angered by the words of his Bandmates, he leaves and goes clothes shopping, for the baby of course. Kira's words still plague his mind.
echoed through Axl's mind. Did he want to remove the baby? He loved the baby, clearly, but it matters what both want. He wants to keep it, but Kira wants it dead. Then who's right? Axl has no other choice, but the media to respond. Axl the following day posts a tweet. "Should i keep the baby?" Many tweets from fans and online rock and roll news media were quick to answer. Most say yes, some say no because of religious reasons. He goes back to Kira, who's still pissed about yesterday, says...
K: "Did you make the decision? Hopefully its the RIGHT. One."
A: "we are keeping the baby, that's final kira."
K: "i will kidnap you and kill the baby myself. You WILL. Kill the baby.
A: "I'm keeping it. No matter what you say, my baby is right with me. I was wrong for you to fuck me. So why dont you get out of me and the baby's life."
Axl then realizes what he said and...
A: "I'm sorry, please let me keep the baby."
Kira with a tear in his eye says
K: "No. You made your mind, you are a freakazoid, and i want you OUT. Get out of this town, NOW!"
Axl runs off cradling his stomach, running back to the RV.
As the months go by, Axl is furious, Kira is furious, but they still stay together for the sake of the baby. They fight so often, Kira often landing blows to his abdominal area, to try and kill the baby. Last month goes, both are split. A broken glass frame split perfectly between two "Lovebirds." The day of the birth arrives, axl is propped up and ready. but he sees something weird about a person. One of the person's.....
To be continued.

Rock And Murder: Yoshikage Kira x preggomyeggo!Axl RoseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora