A New Visitor

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Chapter: Subcon Forest
Act 4: A New Visitor

Shadow Puppet has been staying in Subcon Forest for several days now. She somehow enjoyed the forest, especially since the Subconites had gotten nicer to her. Some of them even consider her as their 'sister'! That filled the child with joy. For the past week, The Snatcher had given her the same task: searching for outsiders. Although she has matured ever since her visit to the weird place, she still didn't get why Snatcher would make them sign a contract, and stole their souls. But the ghost had told her it was a good thing, since the child didn't know what a soul really was. Or remembered what they were, to be exact.

She decided that perhaps she should trust the ghost. Surely he isn't a bad guy, right? After all, he has confirmed to her, totally willingly, that she was his daughter. What could go wrong?

As she was walking by, two Subconites called to her, waving. She turned to the direction of the call to see two Subconites. She remembered them! Those were Florian and Felicia, the Subconites she met when she was just a Dweller. She went over to them.

"Hey, Hattie!" Felicia said, calling her by the nickname name everyone gave her. Because, well, she had a top hat. Shadow Puppet wore it everywhere and anywhere. There were exceptions, of course.

"Hi there!" The hatted child replied.

"Felicia, are you sure? You know that you used to wear it alot when we were alive..." Florian said.

"Oh, it's fine! I don't want it anymore. And besides, I really think it would suit her," Felicia said. She took something out. It was a bow, with two ribbon strands.

"Here! This is for you," she said, holding it out for Shadow Puppet to see.

It was like any ordinary bow, but just colored the way everyone is. Black bow that was glowing purple.

"I used to wear it all the time. But I think I outgrew it, even if I can't really grow," Felicia said. Shadow Puppet took the bow from here.

"Thank you!" Shadow Puppet replied gratefully. "It looks nice!"

"You're giving it away? Just like that?" Florian said, somewhat unapproving of his friend's choice.

"Yeah. Besides, that's not the only one I have!" Felicia took out another bow. The only difference was really the size, and that it had no ribbon strands. She clipped it onto her hood.

"Why don't you try wearing it, Hattie?" She suggested.

Hattie took off her top hat and set it on the floor. She held up the bow, but suddenly realized that she didn't know how to get it on. It did had some sort of loop on it, but it was too small for her ponytail. She didn't even know how Felicia could have worn it, given how she didn't have any hair as a Subconite.

"Uhm... how do you put it on?" Hattie asked.

"Er... I dunno. I didn't wear it, since I don't have any... hair. Maybe you can ask boss?" Felicia said.

"What!? That's a horrible idea! I doubt he even knows how to tie a bow.." Florian exclaimed.

"Alright! I'll go ask dad!" The child said, going away.

"...dad-?" Florian questioned.

Shadow Puppet had ran back to the ghost's house. Snatcher was sitting comfortably on his chair, reading as usual. That was until his adoptive 'daughter' came in.

"Hey! Can you help me put this on?" The child asked, holding up the bow.

Snatcher took a peek. He then went back to reading.

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