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(A/N: Just so we're clear, this story's taking place in 2021 through the current day and there will be some changes from the original, such as this very first chapter.

Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy it and without further ado, let's get into it!)

~With Eddie~

Now that I secretly signed with NXT after Sari had made her long awaited debut, I'm gonna be surprising the ever fucking shit out of her.

I learned about the hotel that she was staying at and that Jazmin was staying there as well and I think I have to talk to her before I surprise Sari.

Then, I saw Jazmin having some lunch or whatnot in the restaurant area, so I thought it was best to surprise her first and then make the plan to surprise my best friend.

Jazmin didn't notice me, which was good, because I wanted to shock her as well.

As I went up to her, with a small grin...

Me: Oye, hermana, ¿necesitas un compañero en un espectáculo o dos? (Hey, sis, you need a partner in a show or two?)

She looked up and her jaw had dropped!

Jazmin: Eddie?!

Eddie: In the flesh.

She immediately got up from her seat, lunged forward and hugged me as she was laughing with such joy as I did the same to her!

Jazmin: What are you doing here? I thought you were in Japan!

Me: Nah, my contract expired. I wanted to sign with NXT as soon as I learned Sari made her debut.

Jazmin: That's awesome! Hey, you wanna sit with me? Got room for one more.

Me: Yeah, let's hang.

I put my suitcase down and I sat down with my mentor as we got to catch up. It was great seeing her again.

I mean, for the longest time, I thought I wouldn't ever see her again in my career after our little stint as a mixed tag team, but here we are.

We're back together! Jazmin still looks the same as I remembered her, amazing and always the best older sister I never had.

Jazmin: How's your career so far? I heard you went off on TNA.

Me: Yeah, that interview. I had to go off because Dixie had to be that big of a bitch to think that she can get away with what she did then.

Jazmin: I agree with you. I did think about going there, but after hearing about your experience and the rant, I decided to do myself a favor and take it off the list.

Me: Good. Keep that company off the list. The last thing you want is a hostile environment. Speaking of environment, how's NXT for you?

Jazmin: I haven't done much, other than being a lackey for a guy's "company" or some shit. I've been a contender for the title, but other than that, nothing else.

Me: Man, it hasn't been that good?

Jazmin: Pretty much. I hope it does get better. Other than that, everyone is like a family there.

Me: I can see that. Maybe when we tag together again, we'll see what happens.

Jazmin: That might work, but what about you, Eddie? What are you expecting to happen?

Me: Well, I do wanna win the NXT Championship. I don't know how it's gonna go, but I'm looking forward to it. Also...

I gestured her to move closely as she could as I whisper to her...

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