Chapter 1

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I watched the trees as the bus rolled along the road. I had never been on a bus before. There was no reason to as an orphan. But, it was wonderful. I just couldn't wait to ride the train, too. I sat back up and looked at the watch on the wrist of man next to me. It was 11:15. The train would be arriving soon. Just as I suspected, the speaker came on. "Ladies and gentlemen, please gather your things. We will be arriving shortly, " the voice directed.

A few minutes later, I stepped off the bus and marveled at the sight of the station. A man helped me load my trunk onto a cart. I was ready.

I suppose I should explain. I am about to board a train to my new school, Hogwarts. Hogwarts is no ordinary school, it's a school for magic. I was in shock when I learned that I, a penniless orphan, was a witch. A woman, Minerva McGonagall, who would soon be my professor, came to break the news to me. I was taken school shopping with the money my parents left for me. That was the thing that confused me. They obviously knew who my parents were but wouldn't tell me. I guess I should explain that, too.

I don't remember my parents. I don't remember anything. I lost my memory when I was 7 years old. The police found me wandering the streets alone. I couldn't remember anything. They ran an investigation but couldn't find anything. I was placed in an orphanage and given the surname "Williams" since they had no idea what my real surname was.

My thoughts were interrupted when a man bumped into me. I snapped back to reality. I need to focus. I pulled out my ticket. "Platform 9 and 3 quarters," I read. I walked across the station. I saw platform 9 and platform 10. There was no platform 9 and 3 quarters. I sat down on a bench. What was I going to do?

A woman with red hair came up to me. "Are you lost, dear?" she asked. I explained my situation to her. "Are you going to Hogwarts?" she asked. I perked my head up. "Yes," I answered. "My sons are going to Hogwarts, too. We can help you get onto the platform, " she offered. I followed her, and we walked to the wall in between platforms 9 and 10. We met up with her sons. "Boys, this is.... I don't believe I got your name?" she prompted. "Rose," I answered. "Boys, this is Rose," she told them. I shook hands with them. The younger boy's name was Charlie, and the older boy's name was Bill.

I thanked the woman and, with the help of Charlie and Bill, boarded the train. I sat with the boys. It's not like I had anyone else to sit with, but I think I would've sat with them anyway. "Is this your first year, Rose?" Bill asked me. "Yes," I answered him. "It's Charlie's first year, as well," he told me. "What year are you?" I asked. "This is my third year," he answered. "I'm assuming you're muggleborn?" he said. "Muggle raised. My parents were wizards, but I was raised in a muggle orphanage," I told him. "You don't remember them?" Charlie asked, contributing to the conversation. "No, I lost my memory when I was seven. I figure that's when they passed," I tell them. "4 years ago... the war!" Bill exclaims. "They must've died in the war," he concludes. "That makes things easier," Charlie says. "We'll help you find out who your parents were," he tells me. I was touched by all of their kindness. "You both are so sweet," I tell them. "Of course we are, we're Weasleys," he responds and smiles. A few minutes later, the train arrives.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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