𝙸: 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑦

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I'm back yet again, did ya miss me?

𝙖𝙢𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙖 𝙭

➣𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔯𝔡'ѕ 𝔭𝔬𝔳

Gerard sat in his office silently, the soft scraping of his nail against the edge of the thick tanned paper was the only noise in the room. He stared down at the invitation with conspiracy but there was a slight twinge of intrigue in his cold eyes. In summary, the letter he had received said that he was invited to a masquerade party and a meeting on the same night, and he was heavily expected to attend. The part that perturbed him the most, however, had to be the fact that it was hand signed by his greatest enemy, one who has been a burden and a stick in his family's side for decades. Frank Iero Senior.

The families both had been rivalling since before Gerard had been born, let alone appointed boss after his father had passed, so Gerard was born to hate him and his family. There was a point in time when the families had an allyship but it didn't last longer than a few months. It had seemed as though Mr Iero was calling for another one of those times.

Gerard didn't trust it. Not at all. But he figured he'd entertain the man's idea and see if it was worth putting up with for a while.

The party was in a few days, so Gerard figured he'd best get started planning.


The day of the party had come and Gerard had everything figured out. He ran over every scenario in his head as to how this could go and planned for them all. He'd also had a tailor get to work on his costume, which he was now putting on.

Gerard had chosen a black button-up shirt, accompanied by black dress pants. But the real show stopper was his blazer, it was a dark golden colour with flecks of real gold leaves, and it fit him perfectly. He put everything on and tucked a gun in the back of his pants, hidden easily by his blazer, he also tucked one beneath the ankle of his left shoe, which was hidden by his pant leg.

Once he glanced at the time, he decided it was time to go. He grabbed his mask, which followed the colour scheme of his clothes, a typical masquerade mask that was gold and black, with several feathers sticking out of the top on his right, some also at the bottom to his left. He didn't think he'd keep it on the whole night, but he figured he'd bring it so he could get in.

Once Gerard had made it to the party, he couldn't find Mr Iero, just many women who came up to him to ask him to dance with them, whom he all turned down as he was on a mission to find Mr Iero. He couldn't stop for such little things as a dance, it was unreasonable. Many of the women were beautiful, yes, but he was only here for the meeting.

Eventually, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see the man he'd been seeking. He sighed in relief and greeted him with a light nod.

"Gerard Way, it has been a long time, no?" Mr Iero spoke with his heavy Italian accent, not giving Gerard a second to respond before he spoke again. He was a bit startled by his appearance. Mr Iero had a scar slashed through his left eye that appeared to have a milky white glaze over it, so Gerard supposed he was blind in that eye. He wore a nice suit, but there was no masquerade mask to be seen. "Now, why don't we take a little trip to my office?" he asked, Gerard nodding in response.

They walked up the stairs and into a room that was hidden behind a wall, blocking the door from the view of the downstairs party. Gerard walked in and noticed a boy sitting in the back of the room, his son, he presumed since they had similar facial features. He looked a bit familiar though, and Gerard couldn't shake the feeling that he knew him from somewhere.

The room was darker than the downstairs, lit only by the lamp carefully situated on the mahogany desk. Bookshelves full of books lined the side walls, the wall behind the desk only containing a picture and a few university degrees.

"Gerard, I know you are a reasonable man." Mr Iero spoke to start. "Our families have worked together in the past and I believe there is hope for us now. I am in a lot of debt to you, aren't I?"

Gerard just nodded at his words, his stare still ice cold as he took a seat in front of the desk, resting his hands in his lap. "You are," he confirmed.

"I hope that I can relieve that by making you an offer."

"It better be good, you owe me a lot, Iero," Gerard said in a low tone, raising an eyebrow.

"It's been good for enough people." Mr Iero notified him as he opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a stack of a few papers.

"So what are you offering me?"

"I'm guessing he's offering you me." the boy from the back of the room sighed, sounding impatient.

Gerard was taken aback by this. Mr Iero was offering him his son? What was this? Some kind of sick joke? He was too stunned to respond so he just turned his head back to Mr Iero with a slight glare.

"He's right. This is Frank, my son, and he's yours if you'd like." Mr Iero spoke, sounding completely serious. He gestured back to the boy, who Gerard could see clearer now. He had black hair that drifted to one side, slightly hiding the left half of his face as he looked a bit shyly at Gerard. He was paler than his father and looked a lot skinnier, but he was attractive he'd give him that.

Gerard thought this was bad. Frank couldn't have liked this. How many times has he had to do this? Gerard considered taking the offer to get him out of this situation but he felt creepy doing it.

"Fine. Give him to me." Gerard said nonchalantly. He was hoping that Mr Iero was bluffing but he was proven wrong by the other man sliding the papers across the desk, in front of Gerard.

"Sign and he's yours."

Gerard signed the paper and Frank stood from the back of the room, slowly and rather cautiously walking over to Gerard. Gerard stood as well, his gaze never leaving Mr Iero's.

"You're relieved, I suppose," he said before he walked out, figuring Frank was just behind him.

Once they were out of the dark room, he turned to Frank. He studied him closely and sighed, shaking his head a little bit as he leaned against the railing. "I'm sorry that you're going through this, I'm not gonna do anything creepy, I only accepted to get you out of this hell hole that is your family." he sighed quietly as he looked at the floor and crossed his arms.

He heard frank sigh quietly. "It's not that big of a deal." he mumbled. Gerard looked up at him again and shook his head a bit. "Well, I'm ready to get out of here. Let's go." gerard said and turned to head down the staircase.


well thats about all i have energy for today, i hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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