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While Pavitr got up somewhat alarmed, he managed to take a baseball bat that was near his bed. Of course he had super strength and could quickly immobilize the girl but I don't know he was going to risk revealing his identity with a simple stranger.

Quickly the young woman threw a web that managed to catch the Indian, letting him fall on the floor, he did not think much and quickly broke the same web with his strength, he felt that he was in a moment of danger, right?

The blonde-haired girl gave a small laugh before returning her gaze to Pavitr.

— "I see you already noticed, right? Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm like you, only from another, another universe, it may sound crazy but you already confirmed that it's true."

The boy simply gaped as he watched the portal close and all his things fell back to the floor, suddenly he felt strange, apparently his spider-sense stopped warning him, managing to calm down for the moment.

— "Who or what are you supposed to be?..."

— "Hey! Have a little more respect, do you see the face of some weirdo?."

After saying that, the room remained in an awkward silence and Pavitr trying not to answer that question. Gwen then rolled her eyes under her mask and took off the aforementioned one revealing her face.

— "I'm Gwen Stacy, also known as Spider-Ghost! You already know the rest, I was bitten by a radioactive spider and blah, blah, blah... If you know you can put the bat down, right?"

After that, Pavitr listened to Gwen, lowering the bat and leaving it where it was.

— "Waoh! This is amazing! I mean, it's not every day you see someone with the same story as you! Can you pull cobwebs out of your wrists, too?"

— "I wish I could, but the spider that bit me didn't grant me that ability, I have to use a web shooter. But that's not what I came for! Getting back to my point. Pavitr Prabhakar, we have been watching your feats these weeks, and apparently you are a superior spiderman to the rest, I make you the owner of this contraption which will help you travel between dimensions and help us fight against the anomalies of the multiverse. You are willing?"

The minor's eyes shone, showing determination and passion, he was willing to do whatever it took to help others, he carefully took the watch from Stacy's hands and put it on his. The clock detected its dimension and several holograms came out of it.

—"Don't worry if you don't understand, Pravitr, the truth is some are just for decoration, but don't tell Miguel that I told you about this, okay? He's a bit picky about these issues."

Pavitr opened his mouth, about to ask who this Miguel was, but he only saw how Gwen opened a portal and turned around to start walking towards him. The young man saw how all his belongings floated up again, only this time he wasn't that scared, Gwen was going to go in alone but Pavitrout of excitement he simply entered the portal, pushing Gwen with him.


As he fell to the ground, the Hindu fell on top of Gwen, leaving him somewhat dazed. The blonde simply pushed him to get up and get some air.

—"There was no need to push me..."

—"I'm going to ignore the fact that you just pushed me into the portal and start the tour since you decided to walk in without warning."

Spiderwoman looked a bit angry, but she only sighed as she took off her mask and put it away, she was more comfortable in the place without it.

Pavitr looked around in astonishment, seeing so many spider-people. His eyes seemed to shine even.

Gwen started to walk without giving much importance to that, signaling to the boy to follow her, she knew that if she left him alone for two seconds it would make a disaster, so she simply grabbed him with a web and began to almost drag him.

— "Soon we are going to stop by the cafeteria, if you want to bring Miguel something to eat he will thank you, he likes the empanadas here. Ok, let's get on with what's important, this place is full of spidermans, that you'll meet not today but soon, our, or at least my mission now is to take you to Miguel without you getting lost, okay?"

Gwen turned around quickly when she saw that her little friend wouldn't be there, somewhat stressed about the same topic, she placed her hand on her face to avoid screaming.

Returning to Pavitr, he would find himself swinging all over the place, marveling at every corner of the place and waving at any spiderman that comes his way.

Something caught the attention of the Indian, a huge poster which mentioned where the cafeteria was located, since he managed to hear the first thing Gwen said, he decided to go to the place to find an empanada for that Miguel. He just wouldn't expect to bump into someone while swinging, he lost control of his webs and in a panic they stopped coming out. (I suppose they are problems of having organic cobwebs).

Before hitting the ground hard recreating a certain scene known to many, he was held by a spider web while listening to a deep voice come down with the one from above.

— "Apparently someone doesn't see where they are swinging!"

It was a spiderman with a rather peculiar style, it changed colors all the time and it was quite striking for Pavitr's eyes.

The next thing the minor felt was how he hit his body against the floor. (at least he didn't break his neck)

He let out a slight groan as he looked up to see a boy with black skin and a little taller than him. He was the first spiderman of many that he saw without a mask. Before being able to speak, he felt a great pull which suddenly lifted him off the ground, staying just in front of the aforementioned.

— "Thank you very much... sir?"

— "Sir? I'm barely 17, boy... Anyway, I guess even in my moments of rest I have to save other people. Take care."

The next thing Pavitr saw was how "Mr" Cool was walking away from him while swinging. A few seconds later, Gwen arrived, terrified to see the scene, she only cared to see how Pavitr was going to fall to the ground, just like a certain variant of her. (okay, I'll stop) And not like the spiderman that many nicknamed Spider-Punk saved him.

— "Please tell me you're okay! My God, Miguel is going to kill me if he finds out about this..."

— "I'm fine... But, who was that boy?"


Number of words: 1148

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