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Athena Journey Brown| Juice

Saturday|7:10 pmHomeMay 18th, 2019

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Saturday|7:10 pm
May 18th, 2019

"Outside Not Inside"

Adonis paced back and forth in-front of me as he thought about which poem to recite. I guess he finally chose one and stopped.

"See, your beautiful
Words a can't describe
Don't you know that?
From the top of your head
To the sole of your feet
You body
Your mind
Your soul
You stunt on every ho
That walks the earth
Thru your pretty brown eyes
All the way down,
To your souls
I see it
Even if I was blind
I would solely
See, your beautiful" he recited

"How was that?" Adonis asked holding his note book and pacing in front of me

"That was beautiful. Who you write that for" I asked giving him a look

"For this spoken word night. The winner get 5 franklins and I need it to get this iPad for my designs" he said 

Adonis does a bunch of things to make money but his favorite and main thing is going to spoken word contests around the city.

I on the other hand just go to work and stay home. I need to get a side hustle soon...

One thing our parents never did was force us to to do things we didn't want to like college. They support us in all our choices.

"I think you'll win Don. Nobody writes like you" I said genuinely

"I know. Because I'm a real nigga" he said mugging me and throwing up his set

I fake gagged saying "Yuck"

"I'm telling ma you be gang banging" I joked

"Chill... she already almost found my gun" he said lowly

"Hide it better then, stupid" I said in a duh tone

"You make my ass itch" he said glaring at me while shaking his head

"Nah that's because you don't take showers" I said

"Maaaaa! Athena in here wasting your Florida water!!!" He yelled running out my room

"NO IM NOT!" I yelled

"He so childish" I mumbled while laughing to myself

I got comfortable in my bed and grabbed my laptop. I started look for used cars for sale because I plan on finally buying a car.

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